Wanted to play one duel, but ql was offline. After 5 minutes it went on again, they "updated" everything and i think i'm gonna log in only to cancel my subscription.
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But those who survived shouldn't have to suffer a draw just because someone is a +back master
and people dead shouldn't have to suffer waiting for so long.
what if the last guys all got POI indicators on them after a grace period
If they wanted to make the game more noob friendly, all they needed to do for non duel modes was to just up the starting HP and Armor and leave everything else the same. Ofc that would also make it easier for the better players, but at least like that the noobs would at least get to move and try to play a little before getting fragged. This would allow them to learn more quickly - it's really difficult for anyone to learn the game if you are getting fragged and respawning every 5 sec...