Posted by son! @ 04:54 CST, 28 February 2015 - iMsg
Still no official word from logitech, but looks like the 303 is an updated version of the 302-- same shell but comes with 3366 sensor (like in the g502), rgb lighting, and maybe a braided cable? Also some different mouse feet to address the 302 wobble.
This G302 mouse: with additional mouse feet to the left/right of sensor to prevent wobble, but with the S3366 sensor from the G502.
sensor is a nice update but that shape is terrible, would have been much better with a wider front and | | sides instead of \ /
And honestly the sensor was good enough even for FPS so this 'update' doesnt make much sense
For me the front is nice, it gives a good "pointing" feeling, like if I was aiming with a pen.
I don't like the back at all however. I'm too used to a slope (more or less steep - like the wmo or the da or even the mx5**) for a good tracking capability
Agreed on the uselessness of the update. The g302 sensor is quite fine
don't braided cables have a rubber/plastic sheath underneath anyway? is it that the rubber/plastic can be made thinner because of the presence of the braided cloth?
I was just about to order a g302, tried it at a friends pc and liked it a lot.
Any idea if/when the link will come back up? I'm in germany so ordering from would be no problem.
logitech has no press out for it atm so I'd expect it to be available couple weeks to a month after they announce (was that way for the 302 atleast). seems like they are getting close to announcing too what with all the leaks.
technically front part of g100s and g302 is similar(shape, button & wheel locations), so there isnt much work to do and you can swap them with a bit of plastic molding of the wheel button and the bottom. Guess you will be able to put g303 internals into g100s aswell
You know, I wonder if logitech have a special 3366 g100s for n0thing. Since he is the only one who still uses the g100s on the csgo team, even after the g303. He has also talked to them about a g100s update
Well n0thing uses about ~50cm/360 if we do the calculations here based on his information, 2 sens, 400 dpi, and 1280x720 res.
We see it can be an issue for him.
But you don't reach the malfunction that much on csgo, I personally have ~40cm/360. However, it happened about twice in 1vX situations so far for me.
Btw i saw Cloud9 Shroud using one! On his stream! I just wonder how does g302 leds changes colors all the time...
It must be it! the g303!! If you guys wonder why does he has one because he is sponsored by logitech.
probably both :P
linus's reviews are usually really casual so whatever
one thing that doesnt get enough attention is how "gracefully" the malfunction occurs when you're swiping fast and lifting the mouse. i think that the better sensors have an advantage here that is more important than their max tracking speed measured in optical testing scenarios where the mouse isn't lifted
Just got the g302 three days ago, love the shape and everything except for the known issues (cable/max tracking/wobbling).
Pre ordered the g303 and the g302 will be going back.
Definitely going to get this mouse. Already like the g302 a lot, and this apparently fixes the stiff cable.
I don't care at all about the sensor change, nobody is doing 2.5m/s+ flicks in game unless maybe they're playing tribes ascend.(Some of the snipers use 100+cm/360, so if they have to turn around they have to swing their arm)
It's interesting to note how bad players always talk about sensors when it makes 0 difference in-game.
it's the cable AND the rgb. I have white/orange keycaps and a white shiden kai with a g302. if i could turn the g302 orange instead of blue i'd have everything color coordinated
This mouse only gives you the spinning bug if you Surface Tuning it. Just like the G502. If you leave the Surface Tuning on factory default it won't let you down. Never.
got my g303 yesterday, best new mouse on the market. only thing I wish were done better is the weight, which should be 10-15g lighter if they didn't use such heavy plastics on the shell.
303 feels heavier than the fk, the 303 is also back heavy whereas the fk feels better balanced.
in palm/claw the butt of the mouse feels more comfortable with the fk, the more roundedness supports more of your palm. with the 303 it feels as though you're forcing something higher into your palm. dunno some people may actually prefer that, feels a little more stable.
in fingertip the shapes feel similar enough that i don't strongly prefer one over the other.
clicks are similarly tactile, though the fk is a lot stiffer than the 303.
biggest difference to me is the feel in weight, the 303 really doesn't compete.
Talk about G303 (?) glitching up+spin at overclock?
Also new LGS better support for 303 and others..but 303 firmware update?
"G303, G402 and G910 Firmware Upgrade - G303 has improved LGS support, G402 updates the Fusion Engine with identical tracking speed performance on both X and Y axis, G910 has improved color performance for select lighting effects"
So I got the g303 yesterday.
Pretty much all that I expected (and hoped for!).
g302 with added feet, better cable, better sensor, rgb lighting
solves all the reported problems of the g302
-kind weird shape
-great sensor (best on the market imo)
-fairly light
-best buttons, seriously they are so fucking great, this is by far the best part about the g303/g302
-fixed the problems of g302
Nothing bad about this mouse. Literally the perfect mouse IF YOU LIKE THE SHAPE
This is pretty much a love or hate kind of shape and it's probably only good for claw grip.
For the guys having a g500 before and possibly getting a g303, could you please tell me if the shape of the rear is annoying?
I have big hands etc, i'm worried about ordering the g303 cause of the weird shape...
comparing the mx518 (just about the same shell I think?) and g303 the rears are obviously very different. The 303 is also much shorter. personally can't imagine going from the g500 to the g303 and being immediately happy. the rear is thinner/doesnt fill out your hand as much, the g303 is a lot shorter and narrower in the front that the 518 as well. if you are really set on a rear like the 500/518 then the 303 isn't it.
Hi fellas, anyone tried opening g302? any way to make it lighter? Coming from wmo it feels REALLY responsive, only weight is holding me back from loving it with my whole heart.
I got a g303, I need to share first and second impressions!
First impression:
omg the shape. OMFG WHAT THE FUCK THE SHAPE!!..........what ...were they thinking.....hmm.....there must be a way to use this comfortably...
OH fuck YES the sensor. My god, it is great. But the shape.....
Second impression:
ok if you fingertip only the front part and avoid the back part, is is somewhat o.k.
hmm balance is so you grab the part furthest back with your pinky and thumb. ok it works somehow, but a conventional shape would have been the easier choice. I hope long gaming sessions won't make my fingers cramp.
oohhhh the sensor, how could I ever live without it :)
I prefer it to WMO (MLT04) all the way. future is here etc.