Ablaze studio has finished working on its new work - Fragged by LeXeR - Final movie.
Kvasnikov Georgi: This movie was done not only for LeXeR's fans around the world, but for all Quake 3 fans. We tried to make this movie as interesting as possible, and gathered best moments from LeXeR's games. It's up to you to judge how good we managed to accomplish that. The movie-makers watched 42 hours of demo records just for you, and selected the best out of more than 1500 frags. The movie's length is 10 minutes, 4 music tracks were used. In case you have decided to host this movie at your webspace - please notify us about it and we will place your web-site's mirror in this news!...
- Movie File (Fragged by LeXeR - Final) 296MB
- cyberfight.org (1601 clicks)
- PlanetQuake3.net (1291 clicks)
Edited by d1monn at 21:47 GMT, 18th Apr 2004 - 130161 Hits