It seems that two days after the official release the first DOOM 3 video is already out. The movie is basically a first look at some basic trick jumps, air rox, and general action. It was compiled by VarpoS and GoiracH, here is what they had to say;
"This is the first "Real" trick/frag movie for Doom III. It includes; Single tricks, Team Tricks, Frags (airrockets included :D) We wanted to show you how we played on LAN the first 2 days of the release, and here it is hope ya'll have fun watching it. We are not Pro editors but it's sure worth downloading..."So take a look at one of the first multiplayer movies of DOOM 3, in the below mirrors.
- Movie File (Doom3-Firstlook) 63MB
- badct (894 clicks)
- Doom3HQ (954 clicks)
- (2072 clicks)
- (1510 clicks)
- (554 clicks)
Edited by BooTes at 11:14 GMT, 5th Aug 2004 - 76540 Hits