Well well.
Some of you probably know that tomorrow i'm leaving. I'm going travelling for a year on the otherside of the world! 1month in Australia and 11 in New Zealand (unless for some odd reason i need to come home early.) The past 8 or 9 months i've been working towards it, i still can't believe i'm finally going, i don't think it'll sink in till i get to the airport or land in Australia.
I'm meeting my girlfriend out there who left England back in January and has been working/travelling in Ecuador for 5months and then moved onto Australia where i'll meet her. She'll stay with me for 2 months. We'll be travelling down the East coast from Cairns to Sydney then flying to Christchurch in NZ and my plans arnt quite worked out that far yet. We'll be camping most of the time, which will be cool (even though its obviously their winter out there.) Then she is coming home to go to uni (and probably won't be my gf from then on :p) and i'll be staying out in NZ by myself moving about and doing whatever.
The flight is a dreaded 26hours, i don't like flying and the thought of being cramped up smelling other peoples farts for a whole day doesn't thrill me to bits but it has to be done i guess. So anyway enough blabbering. I shall be updating my ESR journal now and then from net cafes, hopefully with some nice pictures for those who are curious. Have a good year, because i know i'm going to :)
Note: for pictures, check out my slowly growing gallery
Some of you probably know that tomorrow i'm leaving. I'm going travelling for a year on the otherside of the world! 1month in Australia and 11 in New Zealand (unless for some odd reason i need to come home early.) The past 8 or 9 months i've been working towards it, i still can't believe i'm finally going, i don't think it'll sink in till i get to the airport or land in Australia.
I'm meeting my girlfriend out there who left England back in January and has been working/travelling in Ecuador for 5months and then moved onto Australia where i'll meet her. She'll stay with me for 2 months. We'll be travelling down the East coast from Cairns to Sydney then flying to Christchurch in NZ and my plans arnt quite worked out that far yet. We'll be camping most of the time, which will be cool (even though its obviously their winter out there.) Then she is coming home to go to uni (and probably won't be my gf from then on :p) and i'll be staying out in NZ by myself moving about and doing whatever.
The flight is a dreaded 26hours, i don't like flying and the thought of being cramped up smelling other peoples farts for a whole day doesn't thrill me to bits but it has to be done i guess. So anyway enough blabbering. I shall be updating my ESR journal now and then from net cafes, hopefully with some nice pictures for those who are curious. Have a good year, because i know i'm going to :)
Note: for pictures, check out my slowly growing gallery
Edited by tom at 05:00 GMT, 30th Jul 2005 - 46693 Hits