mwhahaha loool only 3?...I think Acer that u are so angry that nobody popular isnt there...Fortunately are many people from top of the world which like this very much...If u are objective u know that 3 is social rating...but...u are so ideal...
What does it matter who I am ? That hasn't got nothing to do with anything. I haven't edited anything really, I've had people do it for me of free will. The movie just isn't good or original from my point of view, and you sir, must learn to be prepared that there will always be negative criticism. So accept it.
And yes I did always consider _WHO_ people frag in fragmovies, and how many times. This was just another same guy all over again. You might aswell play LMS jumpmatch RL arena vs a bot and record. It would not make a difference. Editing yes there was some interesting stuff, but you could not tell a difference from recent movies. Nothing that makes you go "wow, cool" like smiley and lauwef are able to produce, along with a number of great trickjumping editors from Q3 movie making. Music was nothing special. Movie is below average of the new standard that was created over a longer period of time, that's why it makes 3 on the scale. Nothing even close to new, seen it all before. Heard it all before. Felt it all before; another mediocre fragmovie. Make something original next time. Good luck. And don't confuse this post with personal assault, like you obviously do to defend yourself, having a go at me not being an editor, saying it like I'm a total idiot knowing nothing, even mentioning powah when I have never heard of you before and talked to you, cause it just isn't the way to go. Bye
It's from a subjective point of view you see, which might be considered wrong, but from an old player's point of view who has seen every movie, shot, attempt, great *REAL* 1on1 and TDM games, this just doesn't do anything it's the same attempt as lucky7 (which was good), badalhas2 (which was much better than this one), dns, the list is quite big and those movies again had intentions to "out-midair" retaliation, dsil and powah2 plus the bleh/snake/whatever movies which again was a result of disposable heroes, powah1 which gave new life to the dead fragmovie genre which saw its top in xsu-gold, levitation, and the side genres fooze & nielsen movie. SAME AND SAME OVER AND OVER AGAIN IS NOT INTERESTING ANYMORE DON'T YOU SEE ??? Movies now is same frags, same editing, same music. I'm talking about the big picture now not details. It's like all the poor doom clones which weren't bad games in themselves or friday 13th nr 120009 or halloween 22,5; highschool comedy movies, britneys new single, the new reality show where theres 68 people locked in a phone booth for 6 years, a new weekly magazine for girls explaining how to get the man of your dreams easily with a picture of johnny depp hugging george clooney in the background. But guess what ??? It sells. Because of non critical people, grave. Non-critical people. It's like laughing at the same george bush joke only the name was switched and the setting was different. "Wow this is really good". Yes it is good at first glance. Inventing the vehicle wasn't hard relatively speaking, the wheel however was. Very.
but thats not the problem, apparently the problem is in your mind
overkill in everything will make things faded and boring, to put it bluntly - if you will fuck beautiful women 10 times a day for couple of years, it will no longer have the magic and excitment and becomes extremely boring.
if you cant control and manage your lust/needs/desires, you will burn out - so dont go around blaming others for your decisions and weakness
btw...if people like zwanz or badalhas said that it is very nice movie,it is more important for me then opinion proud man from powah...U edited hundreds of movie insnt it?:)))
lol what did u say acer ? bot ? WTF? u are not a proud man...u are total stupid lier....jump RA ? is normal rocket arena or normal duel and other fragz are form TDM...What u fuckin talking about...and btw movies like a Bleh second comming is stupid film with 1000 horrible effects...but u are going to bleh ass bcs he is famous at ut community... and so if Zwanz give to movie 8-9/10 u give 3???? lol....this is reflect about your stupidity bcs 3/10 is less then average...this is worse movie then average?...u are so funny...lucky 7 is normal movie....average...there are only famous people and this is reason why u are going to ass...badalhhas got great fragz it is true...and dns...his fragged by dns didnt have hard fragz...rebounded is better but it is second...and dns and people which u noted like my movie better than average...u shoud to reborn funny man
u are speaking about the same the same...but what are u epxect in this time? What new? Everything was there and now it is about any fragz and good editing...iF i will make movie with new idea and with hard fragz and supah editing u must put 10/10...but i came with the same so if u did rating 5-6 I understood them...but 3/10 isnt rating for normal movie which didnt come with something more...END of is really weastage
The thing is, you can make a 9/10 movie without hard frags and super editing. Charm and originality matters a lot. Don't take yourself so seriously, it is not a big deal that some dude (me) does not like your movie. Many who don't like it also will tell you that they think it is great, to avoid conflicts like this because they will get uncomfortable and don't want to offend you. Everyone can not like it and you should not be angry on them for it. I understand that you are proud and satisfied with your product and that's fine :)
Everything has not been done ofcourse, but a lot of nice frags have. That is the point, I get the feeling that everyone are just trying to do the hardest and most unlikely frags with good editing and catchy music. It should not be about that! See quake3 movie midget. How hard the frags are does not really matter! It's no perfect movie but it's something new... :)
You cannot compare a normal 10 mins vid with a 2 mins vid. You can be very innovative in a 2 mins vid, it isent hard at all. Hard is to attract the viewer for over 10 mins. A 10 mins Midget would be very boring cause you have to change style in a good 10 mins movie. Also Tom complains about bad effects in other Movies. Its funny that he didnt used effects on his own. Im sure he tried...and then realized that he cant pull of better ones.
Im not saying that Midget is a bad Movie but i dont think that its a normal fraggmovie and so cannot be compared with other fraggmovies.
yeep...i didnt say that "TOM" is a bad boy...but 3/10 is less then isnt about proud of my project....its about objective compare...I did 3/10 movie with total bad quality total shit fragz ant toal shit everithing...3/10 only for that anybody did movie...but...u vote 3/10 and it was your turn:))) peace
The real reason this Movie is rated low is cause of the bad image quality i think. It looks like 15 frames + 256 colours. You obviously put some time into good editing and syncing... but the quality is so low compared to the other UT Movies that it kinda ruins the movie.
why did you steal effects from the movies of smiley and me? :/
like the snipershot and making it look like lg
anyway, i enjoyed watching the movie, altho its nothing special at all!
ps. something ive noticed, if you make a movie, and someone has criticism, try to understand it, instead of defending yourself, only makes you look like a bad looser instead of someone eager ton learn.
I liked the movie, that's all there is to it. I don't need innovative amazing never ever before seen shit to rate a movie good. I enjoyed the movie, and that's all that matters. An 8 for that.
- twas a bit jerky tho ;p