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QuakeWorld server software update (6 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 00:48 CDT, 10 October 2018 - iMsg
The popular QuakeWorld server software package nQuakesv has had its bundled versions of QuakeWorld server software updated. The included server software is now MVDSV v0.32 as well as server mod KTX v1.38.

This update is a delayed one as new MVDSV and KTX versions were released at end of June earlier this year and as it kind of escaped the news i thought it's definitely worth a mention. The changelogs bring us a bunch of interesting changes such as:
  • Bots support in KTX, i.e. can now have bots on standard online servers (they were pretty much only localhost before)
  • Web server integration for reporting match results (some servers do this to under servers tab)
  • Smoother teleports on high ping (making the classic Aerowalk teleporter jump work like on localhost)
  • Bigger maps support (BSP2/BSP29a format)
  • Support for racing at the same time in Race mode
  • Etc...

MVDSV v0.32 changelog
KTX v1.38 changelog
nQuakesv original statement on
Edited by Åke Vader at 00:53 CDT, 10 October 2018 - 11202 Hits
QuakeWorld kickstarting the new season (10 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 10:31 CDT, 28 September 2018 - iMsg
As fall of 2018 is approaching it is time to tuck away the sunglasses, rinse off the sun screen and crawl back into the man caves. The QuakeWorld scene is usually quiet during the summer, however things are starting to pick up again with a few different initiatives coming up in the near future.

For the team deathmatch lovers there will be a 4on4 allstars match played on the weekend around 20th October with familiar names such as Finland Milton, Sweden Bps, Sweden Xantom and Norway Rikoll putting on a show for spectators to enjoy. There will be streaming arrangements and lots of games played.

For the players more into dueling the 2018 QuakeWorld Duel Showdown might be a better cup of tea. This is a online 1on1 tournament played over four consecutive Sundays from 4th to 25th November. The tournament comes with two divisions based on player's skill levels with separate community funded prize pools for each of them. The map pool consists of dm2, dm4, dm6, aerowalk, ztndm3, bravado and skull.

Another 1on1 opportunity coming up is the 10th edition of the classic Thunderdome 1on1 tournament with its familiar division based setup. The map pool consists of Aerowalk, Bravado, DM4, Monsoon, ZTNDM3, DM2 and DM6.
Edited by Åke Vader at 10:31 CDT, 28 September 2018 - 13320 Hits
Survey on pings over the pacific and intercontinental gaming (48 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 02:28 CDT, 27 April 2018 - iMsg
There is a survey going on in an attempt to narrow the ping gap between regions that could benefit from servers in the pacific. This may make it possible to have sub 100ms gaming between places such as the US West, East Coast Australia and New Zealand which would probably be of great value to communities like QuakeWorld, CPMA and Quake Live etc.
"I am trying to gauge some interest on whether a gaming service that bridged the pacific ocean and allowed for sub 100ms gaming between East Coast Australia, New Zealand and West Coast USA would be viable. In the future it could be expanded to include Japan, Guam and Polynesian Islands. West Coast USA based players would achieve around ~50ms ping with Central states being higher.
The setup of such a service would require physical servers to be hosted in a Hawaiian Datacenter, Internet connectivity with multiple ISP's (to ensure direct routing to each country) and this would come at a considerable cost.

The initial goal would be to have permanent servers for games which would benefit the most with the expansion of their player base such as the Quake series and its derivatives.

The end goal would be to allow game developers could also rent service space to give their games a permanent server in this unique location and in addition to permanent servers, a service would be offered where tournament admins could rent server time on a temporary basis for other popular games in order for players to compete in specific tournaments or events with a larger player base spanning the Pacific."
Head on over to the survey
Edited by Åke Vader at 02:28 CDT, 27 April 2018 - 43414 Hits
nQuake configuration updates (9 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:42 CDT, 4 November 2017 - iMsg
nQuake is the number one game/client bundle for anyone who wants to get started with QuakeWorld on an amateur or even highly competitive level. It features a convenient installer that automatically downloads the shareware version of Quake along with the modern ezQuake client along with some other goodies and a tuned config etc. Recently some configuration updates have been made to improve the user experience even further as there have been a few usability issues creeping into the package. These are now ironed out, so check out the changelog, sample screenshot and download the game to get started!

Get the game on

Edited by Åke Vader at 07:46 CDT, 4 November 2017 - 15952 Hits
Thunderdome 9 open for signups (6 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 03:22 CDT, 27 October 2017 - iMsg
A new season of the modern classic Thunderdome, scheduled to start around the 5th of November, now takes signups from players of all skill levels. Thunderdome is an online QuakeWorld 1on1 duel tournament which aims to bring equal games under competitive circumstances by separating players according to their evaluated skill levels. Games are typically played best-of-three in a double elimination bracket format. The top division is the "Open" to which players of any skill can volunteer to join in.

Players are encouraged to read through the rules before signing up and with regards to the rules the map pool is still subject for some discussion and about to be finalised. It will however "be based on" DM2, DM4, AEROWALK, BRAVADO and ZTNDM3 according to the current wording in the rules section.

Sign up on the Thunderdome website

Edited by Åke Vader at 03:23 CDT, 27 October 2017 - 8590 Hits
Dreamhack Summer to feature QW1on1 BYOC tournament (24 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 06:21 CDT, 11 June 2017 - iMsg
It was recently revealed that the mysterious "Quake" tournament listed among the BYOC tournaments on the Dreamhack Summer website is indeed a QuakeWorld 1on1 tournament. People going to Dreamhack Summer 2017 in Jönköping, Sweden, between 17th - 20th of June are thus going to be able to battle it out for a 15,000SEK (~$1650) prize purse.

Tournament format is group stages with a single elimination playoff, with matches being played best of three maps (except final which is best of five). The map pool is the classic selection of DM2, DM4, DM6, ZTNDM3 and Aerowalk.

More information on the Dreamhack website.
Edited by Badb0y at 10:22 CDT, 13 June 2017 - 8550 Hits
Thunderdome Season 8 is live! (3 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 05:11 CDT, 30 March 2017 - iMsg
The QuakeWorld crowd has seen the eight season of Thunderdome go live today as the registration closed at a number of 80 contestants. These players will compete in six different tiers (divisions) through a double elimination bracket to decide who is the Quake champion. The match-ups for the first round of the bracket have been generated and people have until Tuesday 4th of April to play their first game.

As mentioned in a previous news report about Thunderdome 8, this season features a map pool consisting of DM2, DM4, ZTNDM3, Aerowalk and the fairly recent addition Bravado by United States of America Foogs.

Edited by Åke Vader at 05:16 CDT, 30 March 2017 - 3531 Hits
Thunderdome Season 8 - signups open (9 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 06:36 CDT, 19 March 2017 - iMsg
For QuakeWorld players feeling an urge to do some competitive dueling there are good news coming as a new season of Thunderdome is taking signups. Thunderdome has for the last years been one of the staple tournaments in QuakeWorld, running for seven consecutive seasons in a row now and one of the main factors behind its popularity has been the way that players are matched against opponents of similar skill in a judgement made primarily by head admin Russia VVD. Season eight will be no different with the skill span ranging from divisions with elite players to divisions where duelers may be more or less starting from scratch.

The map pool has featured a bit of controversy the last years as one of the big five maps - DM6 - has been replaced by Bravado (made by United States of America Foogs). The map pool is thus DM2, DM4, Aerowalk, ZTNDM3 and Bravado.

Another interesting addition this season is that the highest division is called the "Open Division". In this division any player can decide to step up and play with the big guys in case he/she think they got what it takes. This is in addition to playing in their regular division. Besides the open division consisting of the best opponents there are, it also features more games than the other divisions as best-of-five match format is used earlier than for the other divisions. To find out about any other changes you are advised to skim through the rules section before the tournament.

The new season does not have a 100% set start date yet but it is expected to be in about a week's time.

Links: Thunderdome Season 8 | Signups
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:28 CDT, 22 March 2017 - 5834 Hits
QHLAN2017 comes to an end (18 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:32 CST, 6 March 2017 - iMsg
Last weekend we saw one of the biggest QuakeWorld events in modern times as QHLAN2017 took place in Haninge, Stockholm. With an extensive list of known names among the signups it was bound to be a great event, and with the results at hand i think noone can be disappointed by the great show nor the quality of the gaming on display.

The tournaments arranged at the event were QuakeWorld 1on1, 2on2 and 4on4 deathmatch. There was also a special prize awarded - the Warzon Trophy - to the most entertaining player at the event, and the winner of this honourable feat was the Ronaldinho of QuakeWorld known as Brazil GT who made the audience simply laugh out loud several times during the event with his flamboyant and fast paced play style.

Tournament results

VOD: Prize ceremony (before 1on1 bronze/final game)
VOD: From whole event at TastyspleenTV on Twitch
Edited by Badb0y at 08:54 CST, 8 March 2017 - 10104 Hits
QHLAN - 9 days left till takeoff (25 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 00:51 CST, 21 February 2017 - iMsg
With nine days left to QHLAN2017 it is, in the case of the unfortunate event that you cannot attend, time to make other plans for any girlfriends or family for next weekend so you can enjoy the streamed show under ideal circumstances.

For those of you who want details a preliminary schedule has been released so you know when the tournaments will take place. With an almost 100 man strong signup list, it is packed with big names and people are hyped to find out who will end up victorious with players like Sweden Bps, Sweden Locktar, Norway Rikoll, Finland Milton, Brazil GT, Sweden Locust, Russia Bulat etc traveling towards Stockholm to duke it out.

The crowdfunded prize pot currently stands at ~15,500SEK when writing this and the possibility to donate is still there for anyone wanting to throw in an extra carrot for their favorite player to grab.

Hype trailer
Full information on
Edited by Åke Vader at 01:02 CST, 21 February 2017 - 11937 Hits
QHLAN2017 (58 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 02:34 CST, 5 December 2016 - iMsg
Scheduled: 10:00 CST, 2 March 2017 to 05:00 CST, 5 March 2017
Schedule: Passed

The Quake-o-Holics LAN, better known as simply "QHLAN", was for long an institution in the QuakeWorld scene. The LAN was being hosted annually between the years of 2000 - 2011 and five years after the last event, the LAN is set to make a comeback in 2017.

The event will be held during 2-5 March 2017 at the Fredrika Bremergymnasiet venue (which is a school) in Haninge just outside of Stockholm in Sweden. While the event is a BYOC LAN, some arrangements can be made for players coming from very far away with regards to equipment.

Previously the QHLAN tournaments have been contested mainly for pride and glory, featuring 1on1, 2on2 and 4on4 competitions throughout the weekend. This year, however, it is stepped up a notch as a crowdfunded prize pool is present (currently at ~12,500SEK and counting) as well as high quality casting by Sweden Andeh and United States of America Jehar. Players with flair can look forward to contesting the Warzon trophy which is also making a return.

Read more and sign up on the QHLAN 2017 website!

UPDATE WITH 10 DAYS LEFT TO GO: - QHLAN and everything you need to know

Streams:, Ake_Vader, LocKtar
Edited by Teen Queen at 16:23 CST, 4 March 2017 - 25987 Hits
ezQuake 3.0.1 released (3 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:43 CDT, 19 July 2016 - iMsg
As the $25,000 QuakeCon 2on2 TDM tournament in Dallas, Texas is approaching (4-7th August), the ezQuake development team has been hard at work getting the QuakeWorld client ready for the action. Just a few weeks ago we saw the release of ezQuake 3.0 which brought a plethora of changes, with some being major overhauls of important parts of the client. Other changes were made to accommodate requests from the QuakeCon tournament crew with regards to rules and regulations, ensuring a fair tournament while still taking into consideration how the game has evolved over the years.

The ezQuake 3.0.1 version features no revolutionary changes but rather, as the version number suggests, aims to smash any remaining bugs and potential stability issues. To install the new version, simply download and place the executable in your Quake folder.

On a related note it should be mentioned that the nQuake installer still features a ezQuake 2.x version but will also be updated in time for Quakecon as it will be used on the tournament PC's.

Download ezQuake 3.0.1 on Github
Known ezQuake issues on Github
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:04 CDT, 19 July 2016 - 5307 Hits
Congratulations Quake - 20 years today! (66 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 05:06 CDT, 22 June 2016 - iMsg
Today it has been 20 years since the gateways to other dimensions went operational as id Software released Quake to the masses. Featuring fascinating technological advancements and a gameplay that could turn anyone into a online gaming addict, collectively generating billions in revenue for the internet service providers, it took the players by storm.

Throughout the years the game has been maintained, polished and played by a dedicated community which has made it stand the test of time. Development of the client and server software is going on still today, with ezQuake 3.0 being released just a couple of weeks ago with numerous improvements featuring also changes made in collaboration with the Quakecon tournament organizers. The latter changes made in order to fulfill ruleset requirements in time for the Quakecon 2on2 anniversary tournament in August this year.

It is suggested that you celebrate this special day by simply enjoying some free for all action or similar, playing the game, which can be downloaded from in a neat installer.
Edited by Åke Vader at 05:29 CDT, 22 June 2016 - 32533 Hits
QuakeWorld servers in South Africa (6 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:32 CDT, 31 May 2016 - iMsg
As it was discovered that South Africa, the country where lions roam the streets and the rugby players are so butch they look like they're gonna explode from testosterone overload, did not have any QuakeWorld servers anymore, the situation has been remedied.

The following servers are located in Johannesburg, South Africa: - Free For All - Allround #1 - Allround #2 - Allround #3 - Allround #4 - QTV

The servers are not yet listed on but will hopefully show up in a not too distant future.

Enjoy and bring a friend!
2402 Hits
New servers in South Africa (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 14:08 CDT, 29 May 2016 - iMsg
If you're in South Africa and looking for QW servers then there are now: - Free For All - Allround #1 - Allround #2 - Allround #3 - Allround #4
Edited by Åke Vader at 14:51 CDT, 29 May 2016 - 6110 Hits
Season 21 of EQL has gone live (12 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 04:37 CST, 19 February 2016 - iMsg
A heads up for all the QuakeWorld lovers out there regarding the fact that the 21st edition of the European Quake League is under way. This season features, after a couple additional teams were added after signup deadline, two divisions with nine teams in each. Interesting changes to the league this season can be found in the map rules section where we have the traditional maps DM2, DM3 and E1M2 supplemented by the custom maps CMT1B, CMT3 and CMT4.

Regarding the teams they remain similar to last season in division 1 with the exception of Keystompers which consists of familiar faces making a comeback on the 4on4 scene; Sweden Xerial, Sweden Javve, Sweden Dimman, Sweden Messi/ET and Sweden Dahmer among others.
In division 2 one can see that the Division 99 team, a breeding ground for new or returning oldschool players, has gone from two to four teams. Another addition is the Outdated team consisting of old school players Norway Link, Sweden Sniket (from Clan 9) and the official inventor of the rocket boosted bunnyjump, Norway Sectopod, among others.

Links: QW EQL 21, QW Watch it, QW Get QuakeWorld
Edited by Åke Vader at 04:41 CST, 19 February 2016 - 5223 Hits
DuelMania WorldWide 1on1 tournament (13 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:35 CDT, 29 July 2015 - iMsg
Some time ago the next edition of DuelMania was announced. This time it comes with a bit of a twist as it bears the name DuelMania WorldWide, an online QuakeWorld duel tournament that aims to gather the best duel players around the globe for one final showdown. The tournament will take advantage of the project that has been going on for around 18 months, initiated by Australia Dirtbox and Portugal Mushi, with the goal of getting key servers in strategic servers in place to make matches on fair ping between contestants from different continents possible. So far there are players from Europe, North-America and all the way down to South America signed up.

The tournament will be played on the classic maps DM2, DM4, DM6, ZTNDM3 and Aerowalk. The major differences compared to previous incarnations of DuelMania is the server selection procedure and for a complete statement on that, please refer to the official Duelmania website.

Links: Head on over to Duelmania website and sign up!, mIRC #DuelMania
Edited by Badb0y at 13:46 CDT, 29 July 2015 - 6601 Hits
New South American QW servers (18 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 16:50 CDT, 30 October 2014 - iMsg
A while back the QuakeWorld players Portugal Mushi and Australia Dirtbox initiated a quite ambitious project to increase the amount of QuakeWorld servers in the world. Not only did they think there should be more of them, but they have also done certain investigations as to whether there are specific locations that are particularly advantageous with regards to routing, so players in these areas can take full advantage of the re-routing feature QWfwd available in QuakeWorld. In the best cases, this can decrease the ping not only within the community, but also bridge the gap between two communities.

One example has been the start-up of some North American servers that decreased the ping to Europe. Another important recent addition, with help from United States of America Claw, is a bunch of servers located in South America. These babies bring down the ping below 50ms between Chile Chile, Argentina Argentina and Brazil Brazil. This should be a good step to once again unite the South American players on the same battle grounds. If you're from this area, then make sure to try them out!

Links: Server addresses, QWfwd guide, Facebook Chile community, Facebook Brazil community
Edited by Teen Queen at 05:22 CDT, 31 October 2014 - 8468 Hits
Is there a proper find match button? (7 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 17:09 CDT, 21 July 2014 - iMsg
Stupid question but i just installed QL today again. Am i blind or is there no proper "FIND MATCH" button in this game? I expected something like CS:GO/SC2 matchmaking. Now i have to join a server and hope someone join and ready up and don't leave after two minutes of prewar?

I thought it would show up after my 20 beginner's games but no...

Too much waiting time going on now. And how can i choose what maps to play? Only with pro? :(
2664 Hits
Refragged Classic 1on1 Cup on Sunday (26 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 17:58 CDT, 28 May 2014 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:00 CDT, 1 June 2014 to 16:00 CDT, 1 June 2014
Schedule: Passed

On Sunday 1st of June there will be a single elimination cup played on the classic QuakeWorld maps for players who want to keep going in the summer. Games are played best of three maps on DM2, DM4, DM6, ZTNDM3 and Aerowalk. Notable signups so far include Sweden Locktar, Sweden Locust, Norway Rikoll and Sweden bps.

To participate in the cup you need to register on the site and then also sign up for the cup itself. Before the cup you are also required to check-in to show that you're indeed available and ready to participate. Also join the #refragged channel on Quakenet IRC to ease communication throughout the evening.

Check-in opens: 11:30 CDT / Check-in closes: 12:00 CDT
Cup starts: 12:00 CDT / Cup ends: 16:00 CDT (estimated, depends on participants)

Links: Tournament sign up @refragged
Edited by Åke Vader at 18:26 CDT, 30 May 2014 - 8208 Hits
Duelmania 1on1 tournament announcement (15 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 13:40 CST, 15 December 2013 - iMsg
Earlier today Germany Dopeskillz revealed that a brand new instance of the famous Duelmania 1on1 tournament has just opened up for player registrations. Duelmania dates back as far as 2001 and has seen many champions come and go throughout the years. This time we look forward to see if Norway Rikoll can defend his title he claimed last season or if runner-up Sweden Bps & co. can stop him from plowing through the competition this time. Historical winners can be browsed on the QuakeWorld wiki for a trip down memory lane.

The signups are open during this week and the intention is to start the tournament already next week. Duelmania will as usual feature a double elimination system where the games are battled out on the classic maps DM2, DM4, DM6, Aerowalk and ZTNDM3 in a best of three maps series. More information can be found either on the Duelmania website or in the #Duelmania channel on Quakenet IRC.

Links: Duelmania official
Edited by Teen Queen at 07:25 CST, 18 December 2013 - 9597 Hits
European Quake League 17 Final (25 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:34 CST, 27 November 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:30 CST, 1 December 2013 to 15:00 CST, 1 December 2013
Schedule: Passed

The 17th season of the European Quake League that is about to end has gone under the radar in terms of ESReality coverage. However, it is time for everyone to open up a time slot this upcoming Sunday evening 1st of December at 14:30 CDT as Sweden Suddendeath will face off against Finland The Viper Squad in the grand final of EQL17 division 1.

This season the division 1 consisted of five premier QuakeWorld teams which faced each other twice in the ground stage. Four of those advanced to a playoff starting from the semifinal and in those games we saw The Viper Squad prove to be too much of a powerhouse for The Norse to overtake, and Suddendeath defeating Firing Malfunction in a straight 3-0 series.

The upcoming grand final will also be a best of five maps series on the classic maps DM2, DM3 and E1M2. For those of you who for some reason won't tune in via QTV there will also be a stream with commentary present to enjoy.

Vods: Suddendeath TV EQL Final Vods
Stream: Suddendeath TV
Links: EQL17 Final promotional media, European Quake League website
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:46 CST, 1 December 2013 - 17011 Hits
EQL16 divisions set and league started (14 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:57 CDT, 3 April 2013 - iMsg
The spring season of European Quake League (EQL) has just started as we saw the 20 teams signed up getting sorted into two separate divisions last Sunday, with the league officially starting this week.

Division 1 consists of 11 teams and will feature an A and a B playoff where the teams ending up on spot 1-4 advance to the A playoff, while the teams ending up on spot 4-8 goes through to the B playoff. In division 2 there are 9 teams and there will be one big playoff featuring all the top 8 teams, leaving one poor team missing out on the fun. In the group stages the teams play eachother once in best of three maps while playoff games are played best of five maps. The playoffs are scheduled to begin on the 12th of May.

The premier game is yet to be played, but if one is curious to know what to expect then Sweden Hooraytio has had a look at the contenders in division 1 of the European Quake League, sharing his view on the strengths and weaknesses in the various participating teams this season. Head on over to his column on the EQL website to read his thoughts on what there is to expect from the Premier League of the QuakeWorld 4on4 scene.

Read more on the EQL website
Edited by Åke Vader at 13:00 CDT, 3 April 2013 - 7429 Hits
European Quake League 16 coming up (5 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 04:29 CDT, 13 March 2013 - iMsg
The European Quake League (EQL) is now taking sign ups for the 16th edition of the league. EQL is a QuakeWorld team deathmatch 4on4 league which has been around since 2005, featuring all the top teams in the QuakeWorld scene. The last EQL season ended in spring 2012 and thus there has been a void for all 4on4 players during the fall, up until now that is. The signup process started yesterday and ends at the 31st of March. The league will then start at the 1st of April.

The games will be battled out on the traditional maps DM2, DM3 and E1M2. The teams will as usual be split up into divisions divided by skill and anyone is allowed to sign up to take part of the action. For players without a team, the transfers forum is recommended to post one's resume and hope to get lucky!

Read more and sign up on the EQL website!
Edited by Åke Vader at 04:29 CDT, 13 March 2013 - 2883 Hits
Thunderdome 3 open for signups (7 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:19 CST, 15 February 2013 - iMsg
The third season of the Thunderdome tournament now takes signups. Thunderdome is a QuakeWorld duel tournament with divisions which allows players with different skill levels to compete with those of similar skill, while still crowning the king of QuakeWorld in the premier divisions. The skill levels range all the way from the complete rookie who just installed the game to seasoned players who call DM4 their second home. There are both a European and a North American section to cater for optimal conditions regarding latency as opposed to playing on European servers as an American.

The tournament follows double elimination format, which gives you a second chance in the lower bracket should the inevitable happen that the spawns are not on your side at match day. The games will be played on the classic maps DM2, DM4, DM6, Aerowalk and ZTNDM3. Matches are played in best of three maps for all divisions except for the premier division where they battle it out on best of five maps, i.e. more of the good stuff for the audience to enjoy.

Signups are open right now until the 28th of February and then the games will begin on the 4th of March.

Visit the Thunderdome website or the #Thunderdome channel on Quakenet IRC for more information
Edited by Åke Vader at 11:19 CST, 15 February 2013 - 4913 Hits
EQL14 Final: Slackers vs Fragomatic (22 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 12:27 CST, 10 December 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:00 CST, 11 December 2011 to 15:00 CST, 11 December 2011
Schedule: Passed

Tomorrow (Sunday) at 19:00CET it's time for the grand final in division 1 of European Quake League. In this fourteenth edition it's the European union Slackers that are taking on the Swedish powerhouse Fragomatic in a best of five map series.

Slackers have as always been a solid team throughout the season, only losing three maps in total with two of those being against Fragomatic themselves in the group stage match. Their last game was against Suddendeath in the semifinal whom they managed to fend off in a straight 3-0 win. However, Fragomatic are by many the favourites to prevail in this final and judging from their performance against Crazy 88 in their last match where they totally dominated their opponents, this is not off the chart at all. They have only lost one map this season, against Slackers, and have an incredible lineup including finnish star player Milton.

Although Slackers are most probably missing one of their core players in Murdoc, this game might turn out to be a real classic. Make sure to keep an eye on when it is about to start in order not to miss out on the action!

Late Edit: Division 2 Final is also scheduled for tonight. The teams fighting for the championship are OClan and Immortals! The game is at 21 CET! Division 1 Bronze game will aswell be played tonight, schedule isn't exact but starting earliest at 22CET. The bronze game will be played between Suddendeath and Crazy 88!

The Final will be streamed by Jehar:

European Quake League 14 website
Edited by Åke Vader at 11:52 CST, 11 December 2011 - 7289 Hits
QuakeWorld rookie tournament (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 14:34 CDT, 23 October 2011 - iMsg
I wrote a piece about this on the front page but also thought i'd mention it here so people don't miss out. The sign ups have opened up for a rookie tournament that will kick off in two weeks. Check out the Ignition website for more information.

Hope to see many new players in the tournament :)
3871 Hits
Ignition rookie tournament (45 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 14:07 CDT, 23 October 2011 - iMsg
It's time for another edition of the famous Ignition rookie tournament in QuakeWorld. The goal of the Ignition tournament is to introduce new players to this game under fun and fair, yet competitive conditions.

The tournament format is 1on1 deathmatch in a double-elimination bracket playoff and the matches will be played on the maps Aerowalk, ZTNDM3, VDM3V3, Hate and Skull in best of three maps series. The tournament will last between 7th November and 20th December 2011 with matches scheduled in specific weeks - you agree with your opponent on when to play - rather than on a set date to allow for flexibility for players.

You can get started with QuakeWorld today by downloading nQuake which is a quick-starter pack that includes everything you need to play QuakeWorld and participate in this tournament. The nQuake pack is based off of the Quake shareware version and thus only includes the maps from the first episode and custom maps. If one wants to play the classic DM maps, then the pak1.pak that can be found on your original Quake CD is required.

We hope that the tournament will see many rookies signed up and we encourage current established players, both from QuakeWorld and other games, to tell their rookie friends to sign up for this frag fest! (bear in mind that we have a strict rookies-only policy though)

Head on over to the registration page!
Edited by Åke Vader at 17:23 CDT, 23 October 2011 - 7859 Hits
EQL:Pro OJOJ VITUN HELPO! vs Suddendeath (10 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 14:06 CST, 19 January 2011 - iMsg
Loser:OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!, Odds: 56% (1.7:1)
Bets placed: E$35696, betting open: 14:58 CST 19 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 23 Jan 2011

Winner:Suddendeath, Odds: 43% (2.2:1)
Bets placed: E$27393, betting open: 14:58 CST 19 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 23 Jan 2011

Matchup: Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO! vs Sweden Suddendeath
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Game: Semifinal 2
Scheduled for: 2011-01-23 20:30

Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!: Diki, Blaze, Darkki, Hlt, Fix, Marklar (Fifi), Creature
Sweden Suddendeath: Reppie, Razor, Molle, Bps, Mawe, Lakso, Rkd, Trash

It's a classic Sweden vs Finland match-up and although OJOJ won their two first group games very convincingly, their last game against CCCP showed that there are possibilities to shake them. Will this very important game be the one where Suddendeath pulls the ace out of their sleeve; Reppie?

Schedule and scores on
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:18 CST, 20 January 2011 - 6203 Hits
EQL:Pro: Slackers vs Fusion (2 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 13:57 CST, 19 January 2011 - iMsg
Winner:Slackers, Odds: 87% (1.1:1)
Bets placed: E$54672, betting open: 14:39 CST 19 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 23 Jan 2011

Loser:Fusion, Odds: 12% (7.7:1)
Bets placed: E$5611, betting open: 14:39 CST 19 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 23 Jan 2011

Matchup: Europe Slackers vs Europe Fusion
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Game: Semifinal 1
Scheduled for: 2011-01-23 19:00

Europe Slackers: Paradoks, Murdoc, Zero, Shove it(aka Krab), En_karl, Striker, Mja (note: lineup taken from EQL12)
Europe Fusion: Valla (aka Nitram), Rikoll, Chris (aka Serox), Lacsap, Kingpin, Skillah

Will the almighty Slackers continue to prove unstoppable or can Fusion get their very skilled individuals come together and conquer Slackers in a genuine team effort?

Schedule and scores on
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:20 CST, 20 January 2011 - 3227 Hits
EQL:Pro Round 3 tomorrow (8 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 12:25 CST, 16 January 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CST, 16 January 2011 to 14:00 CST, 16 January 2011
Schedule: Passed

The third round of EQL:Pro is coming up in just one day and this is when it will be settled what teams move onto the semifinals. In time for the games tomorrow, which are scheduled for 20:00CET, Refragged has taken a look at what will be the likely scenarios and also interviewed the coach of one of the teams that will be in the spotlight. In the preview article of the games it is concluded that Sweden Suddendeath vs Sweden Quakeklan will be the most exciting game in the last round of the group stages;
The most interesting game of the evening is the one between the two Swedish teams Quakeklan and Suddendeath. This game is a direct decider as to which of the teams snatches the second spot behind Slackers in Group A and after having beaten Teamkillers with a 2-0 map score. Quakeklan finds themselves in the position they probably have aimed for and desired before the tournament started; beating Slackers was never really realistic and there was the possibility of losing against an ambitious Teamkillers match-up, which they had actually done in their two previous encounters.
Make sure to buckle up at 20:00CET tomorrow to follow the games either via QTV or the live streams that will be provided.

Watch the game on live stream at or via QTV on Commentators for the game Quakeklan vs Suddendeath will be United Kingdom Gaz and/or Finland Pektopah on Mumble (

Read the EQL:Pro Round 3 predictions
Read the brief interview with coach Trash from Suddendeath
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:47 CST, 16 January 2011 - 5196 Hits
Gimme all your esports sites! (17 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 16:31 CST, 10 January 2011 - iMsg
As the headline says; i want to know what h!o!t! esports sites that are worth visiting. Give them to me! Do it naow!!
7810 Hits
EQL:Pro: Slackers vs Teamkillers (3 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 12:56 CST, 10 January 2011 - iMsg
Winner:Slackers, Odds: 79% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$47706, betting open: 13:18 CST 10 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 16 Jan 2011

Loser:Teamkillers, Odds: 20% (4.9:1)
Bets placed: E$13250, betting open: 13:18 CST 10 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 16 Jan 2011

Matchup: Europe Slackers vs Europe Teamkillers
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group A
Scheduled for: 2011-01-16 20:00

Europe Slackers: Paradoks, Murdoc, Zero, Shove it(aka Krab), En_karl, Striker, Mja (note: lineup taken from EQL12)
Europe Teamkillers: Soma, Medar, DDK, Squeeze, Hangtime, Snapcase, Ganon

Slackers have already secured their advance to the semifinals and Teamkillers are basically out of the tournament after their losses to Quakeklan and Suddendeath.

Schedule and scores on
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:56 CST, 10 January 2011 - 4130 Hits
EQL:Pro: CCCP vs OJOJ VITUN HELPPO! (2 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 12:56 CST, 10 January 2011 - iMsg
Loser:CCCP, Odds: 19% (5:1)
Bets placed: E$12035, betting open: 13:27 CST 10 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 16 Jan 2011

Winner:OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!, Odds: 80% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$49227, betting open: 13:27 CST 10 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 16 Jan 2011

Matchup: Russia CCCP vs Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group B
Scheduled for: 2011-01-16 20:00

Russia CCCP: Meshuggah, XN (aka Unnamed), Xpr, Moltas, Votary
Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!: Diki, Blaze, Darkki, Hlt, Fix, Marklar (Fifi), Creature

CCCP has a last chance to fight their way into the semifinals but it will be a close to impossible task. They are on the same amount of points as Fusion - but better frag difference - and could theoretically make it. In practice it probably won't happen though as Fusion has an easier game against Easy to Kill.

Schedule and scores on
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:39 CST, 10 January 2011 - 3861 Hits
EQL:Pro: Fusion vs Easy to Kill (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 12:55 CST, 10 January 2011 - iMsg
Tied:Fusion, Odds: 82% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$43050, betting open: 13:39 CST 10 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 16 Jan 2011

Tied:Easy to Kill, Odds: 17% (5.6:1)
Bets placed: E$10233, betting open: 13:39 CST 10 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 16 Jan 2011

Matchup: Europe Fusion vs Poland Easy to Kill
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group B
Scheduled for: 2011-01-16 20:00

Europe Fusion: Valla (aka Nitram), Rikoll, Chris (aka Serox), Lacsap, Kingpin, Skillah
Poland Easy to Kill: Derek, Niw, Pericles, Slabi, Tom, Kat, Lobo

Fusion finds themselves with everything in their own hands. They have slightly worse frag difference than CCCP (i'm not sure whether internal wins counts higher, the EQL rules aren't clear on that) but should be able to make that up in this game against an unmotivated team that will be too easy to kill.

One thing is for sure; should Fusion even come close to losing a map in this game, Valla will make his teammates wish they were somewhere else via the voice com.

Schedule and scores on
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:55 CST, 10 January 2011 - 4046 Hits
EQL:Pro: Quakeklan vs Suddendeath (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 12:54 CST, 10 January 2011 - iMsg
Loser:Quakeklan, Odds: 33% (2.9:1)
Bets placed: E$30264, betting open: 13:04 CST 10 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 16 Jan 2011

Winner:Suddendeath, Odds: 66% (1.5:1)
Bets placed: E$60751, betting open: 13:04 CST 10 Jan 2011 to 12:00 CST 16 Jan 2011

Matchup: Sweden Quakeklan vs Sweden Suddendeath
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group A
Scheduled for: 2011-01-16 20:00

Sweden Quakeklan: Ok98, Dimman, Lethalwiz, TheEvilDog, Riker, Hagge, Grisling
Sweden Suddendeath: Reppie, Razor, Molle, Bps, Mawe, Lakso, Trash, Rkd

The Swedish derby has turned out to be an incredibly important game for Quakeklan and Suddendeath in Group A. In the first two rounds both teams lost to Slackers and won against Teamkillers (Quakeklan won 2-0, Suddendeath 2-1). Will the motivated Quakeklan - who can probably see the hard-to-get second spot in front of them - prevail against a somewhat shaky Suddendeath, judging from their last game against Teamkillers?

Schedule and scores on
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:54 CST, 10 January 2011 - 3952 Hits
EQL:Pro Round 1&2 Predictions (5 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 12:15 CST, 8 January 2011 - iMsg
You thought Christmas was over already? Well, this Sunday Santa got some juicy, late arrival gifts for all you well behaving kids out there. The qualifications have been played, and the eight currently best teams are ready to battle it out for fame and glory. Not one, but TWO rounds of hot QW TDM 4on4 action in the prestigious EQL:Pro tournament are going to take place during tomorrow's Sunday evening, starting at 19:00CET.

In this article Norway Rikoll takes a look at the teams in EQL:Pro in general and the games taking place tomorrow, when round 1 and 2 are being played, in particular. Enjoy the read and don't forget to let us know what you think of the games in the comments!
Article Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 || next page >>
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:45 CST, 8 January 2011 - 9572 Hits
Bulat (4 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 16:17 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
While it may not deserve its own major news item, i still figured that you guys deserved to be updated about Bulat's whereabouts as people seemed to like him here ("He's like Cooller, but 100x better!").
6457 Hits
EQL:Pro: Fusion vs OJOJ VITUN HELPPO! (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Loser:Fusion, Odds: 45% (2.1:1)
Bets placed: E$16147, betting open: 16:46 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Winner:OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!, Odds: 54% (1.8:1)
Bets placed: E$20326, betting open: 16:46 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Matchup: Europe Fusion vs Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group B
Scheduled for: 2011-01-09 21:00

Europe Fusion: Nitram, Rikoll, Chris (aka Serox), Lacsap, Kingpin, Skillah (note: lineup taken from EQL12)
Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!: Diki, Blaze, Darkki, Hlt, Fix, Marklar (Fifi), Creature

The top contenders in EQL the last years, Fusion, will probably have three tough maps against the Finnish mix team. Will the probable teamplay advantage of Fusion crack the individual skill of the sauna lovers from the east?
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - 2988 Hits
EQL:Pro: CCCP vs Easy to Kill (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Winner:CCCP, Odds: 79% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$27062, betting open: 16:39 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Loser:Easy to Kill, Odds: 20% (4.7:1)
Bets placed: E$6025, betting open: 16:39 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Matchup: Russia CCCP vs Poland Easy to Kill
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group B
Scheduled for: 2011-01-09 21:00

Russia CCCP: Meshuggah, XN (aka Unnamed), Xpr, Moltas, Votary
Poland Easy to Kill: Derek, Niw, Pericles, Slabi, Tom

A prestigious game between big brother Mother Russia and Poland in which the Russians must be considered the favourites considering their roster. As mentioned before though, the activity of the Russians - or rather the lack thereof - combined with Polish strength on DM2 might make this an interesting game.
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - 2965 Hits
EQL:Pro: Easy to Kill vs OJOJ VITUN HELP (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Loser:Easy to Kill, Odds: 11% (8.5:1)
Bets placed: E$5017, betting open: 16:34 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Winner:OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!, Odds: 88% (1.1:1)
Bets placed: E$36463, betting open: 16:34 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Matchup: Poland Easy to Kill vs Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group B
Scheduled for: 2011-01-09 19:00

Poland Easy to Kill: Derek, Niw, Pericles, Slabi, Tom
Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO!: Diki, Blaze, Darkki, Hlt, Fix, Marklar (Fifi), Creature

A Polish team that might surprise on DM2 but will have a rough time on any other map against this Finnish powerhouse which is a mix-up between the current top clan Finland The Viper Squad and legendary, but semi-retired, Finland Clan Malfunction. The Polacks will have to have a really good day even to avoid getting raped.

The initial odds (0.1/0.9) are probably generous...
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - 3176 Hits
EQL:Pro: CCCP vs Fusion (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Loser:CCCP, Odds: 22% (4.3:1)
Bets placed: E$11000, betting open: 16:26 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Winner:Fusion, Odds: 77% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$40597, betting open: 16:26 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Matchup: Russia CCCP vs Europe Fusion
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group B
Scheduled for: 2011-01-09 19:00

Russia CCCP: Meshuggah, XN (aka Unnamed), Xpr, Moltas, Votary
Europe Fusion: Nitram (aka Valla), Rikoll, Chris (aka Serox), Lacsap, Kingpin, Skillah (note: lineup taken from EQL12)

The sneaky Russians in CCCP, a clan that has underperformed the last couple of years due to lack of practice, will try to take down one of the top four clans in QuakeWorld nowadays. Will CCCP be able to put in enough practice to shake Valla & Co in Fusion?
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - 3310 Hits
EQL:Pro: Teamkillers vs Suddendeath (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Winner:Suddendeath, Odds: 61% (1.6:1)
Bets placed: E$25522, betting open: 16:11 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Loser:Teamkillers, Odds: 38% (2.6:1)
Bets placed: E$17030, betting open: 16:11 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Matchup: Europe Teamkillers vs Sweden Suddendeath
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group A
Scheduled for: 2011-01-09 21:00

Europe Teamkillers: Soma, Medar, DDK, Squeeze, Hangtime, Snapcase, Ganon
Sweden Suddendeath: Reppie, Razor, Molle, Bps, Mawe, Lakso, Goblin, Arnette, Andeh (Note: lineup taken from EQL12)

The fairly new kids on the block in Teamkillers face off against Suddendeath. Can Teamkillers pull off an upset against the, probably, second best team in the group after Slackers? The game against Suddendeath will turn out to be a very important game for Teamkillers/Quakeklan as they're aiming for the spot in the playoff behind Slackers.
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - 4586 Hits
EQL:Pro: Slackers vs Quakeklan (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Winner:Slackers, Odds: 83% (1.2:1)
Bets placed: E$31893, betting open: 16:21 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Loser:Quakeklan, Odds: 16% (5.8:1)
Bets placed: E$6165, betting open: 16:21 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Matchup: Europe Slackers vs Sweden Quakeklan
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group A
Scheduled for: 2011-01-09 21:00

Europe Slackers: Paradoks, Murdoc, Zero, Shove it(aka Krab), En_karl, Striker, Mja (note: lineup taken from EQL12)
Sweden Quakeklan: Ok98, Dimman, Lethalwiz, TheEvilDog, Riker, Hagge

The classic QuakeWorld clan Slackers, with the legend Paradoks backed up by recent star players Murdoc, Zero and Krab, face off against the outsiders Quakeklan with a couple of players - Dimman and TheEvilDog - who have a history with Slackers. Will it be another day at work for Slackers or can the Quakeklan pull of a very sweet upset?
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - 2981 Hits
EQL Pro: Teamkillers vs Quakeklan (10 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Loser:Teamkillers, Odds: 64% (1.5:1)
Bets placed: E$52228, betting open: 15:57 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Winner:Quakeklan, Odds: 35% (2.7:1)
Bets placed: E$25368, betting open: 15:57 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Matchup: Europe Teamkillers vs Sweden Quakeklan
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group A
Scheduled for: 2011-01-09 19:00

Europe Teamkillers: Soma, Medar, DDK, Squeeze, Hangtime, Snapcase, Ganon
Sweden Quakeklan: Ok98, Dimman, Lethalwiz, TheEvilDog, Riker, Hagge

The somewhat new kids on the block in Teamkillers faces the almost-as-new-kids-on-the-block in Quakeklan. It will most likely be a very tough match-up between what must be admitted as the two weakest teams in the group with Quakeklan being slight favourites considering their routine.
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:10 CST, 8 January 2011 - 6530 Hits
EQL:Pro: Slackers vs Suddendeath (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:52 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
Winner:Slackers, Odds: 71% (1.4:1)
Bets placed: E$36368, betting open: 16:09 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Loser:Suddendeath, Odds: 28% (3.4:1)
Bets placed: E$14427, betting open: 16:09 CST 5 Jan 2011 to 11:00 CST 9 Jan 2011

Matchup: Europe Slackers vs Sweden Suddendeath
Tournament: EQL:Pro Season 1
Group: Group A
Scheduled for: 2011-01-09 19:00

Europe Slackers: Paradoks, Murdoc, Zero, Shove it(aka Krab), En_karl, Striker, Mja (note: lineup taken from EQL12)
Sweden Suddendeath: Reppie, Razor, Molle, Bps, Mawe, Lakso, Goblin, Arnette, Andeh (Note: lineup taken from EQL12)

The runners-up in the 12th edition of European Quake League and reigning champions of QHLAN - Slackers - face off against the Swedish pride Suddendeath in what should be a fairly tight game unless the Slackers are having a really good day.
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:11 CST, 8 January 2011 - 3373 Hits
EQL:PRO groups and schedule/fixtures (16 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:41 CST, 5 January 2011 - iMsg
This Sunday the 9th of January it's time for the first QW Super Sunday[tm] of the new year 2011. The European Quake League will then kick off its new branch EQL:Pro and yesterday the two groups of four teams each were revealed to the masses. Also the schedule for the games has been set and as mentioned in previous news items this will aid the coverage part of the tournament, so make sure to keep an eye on the schedule in order not to miss out on any action. The rule of thumb is that the games happen on Sundays.

Regarding the groups, the mix up of the teams invites for a prestigious Swedish derby between Sweden Suddendeath/Sweden Quakeklan and a hot game between Europe Slackers/Sweden Suddendeath in group A. The other group has exciting matchups aswell between Europe Fusion, Finland OJOJ VITUN HELPPO! and Russia CCCP in particular where it will be very interesting to see what damage the Russians can do.

Something to take note about is that the first two rounds will be played on this Sunday, the 9th of January, so make sure to stay tuned for that!

Source: European Quake League
Edited by Åke Vader at 16:07 CST, 5 January 2011 - 8441 Hits
Refragged... (15 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:22 CST, 4 January 2011 - iMsg
...has respawned, slowly but steadily. :I
6896 Hits
EQL: Pro qualifiers tomorrow (Sunday) (26 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 13:22 CST, 19 December 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 11:00 CST, 19 December 2010 to 16:45 CST, 19 December 2010
Schedule: Passed

The European Quake League recently presented their new initiative in the form of EQL: Pro, which is a league that caters towards the top eight 4on4 teams in the QuakeWorld community and features the classic ruleset that consists of DM2, DM3 and E1M2. The main idea behind this league is to ensure high quality QW 4on4 action every Sunday as they have a fixed schedule for playing the games, which makes it possible to provide better coverage for every single game and gives the spectators full awareness of when the games will take place.

The four top teams from the 12th season of the European Quake League are automatically qualified for this new league, which starts in January. The four remaining teams will have to qualify in order to participate and this will take place tomorrow. In fact there are five qualification spots to fight for as the EQL12 champions, Finland the Viper Squad, unfortunately are unable to take part in EQL: Pro.

You can watch the matches using QuakeTV and use Mumble to listen to the commentators.

Read the official EQL: Pro announcement
Edited by Åke Vader at 23:44 CST, 19 December 2010 - 9598 Hits
QuakeWorld on Facebook (2 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 14:40 CST, 30 November 2010 - iMsg
Tired of browsing various random sites for the latest QW news and risk missing out on the most important games when being too busy with work or whatever? Then I can recommend becoming a fan of the QuakeWorld page on Facebook:

3583 Hits
Win QHLAN tickets! (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 08:36 CDT, 1 October 2010 - iMsg
This Satuday, and the QHLAN/Hazards crew will organize the first in a series of duel tournaments that will hand out a free QHLAN 14 ticket to the winner!

To participate in this 1 day duel tournament, all that is required is that you are able to attend QHLAN14, hopefully you are already signed up for this great event.

Source: Duel4Tickets website
Edited by Åke Vader at 08:36 CDT, 1 October 2010 - 1164 Hits
QHLAN 14 (11 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:22 CDT, 19 May 2010 - iMsg
Since a few days ago it is possible to sign up for what might become the best QuakeWorld event in this millennia as QHLAN has revealed that it will run its 14th edition during 4th - 7th November.

This time a serious effort is made to get as many QuakeWorld players as possible to this event in Haninge, Stockholm. A joint effort with the Hazard LAN, website and sign ups launched well in advance, a prize purse of 22,500SEK and a moved date will hopefully make this LAN a great success. In addition to this, the usual 1on1, 2on2 and 4on4 tournament will of course take place and some well renowned players and clans have already announced that they will indeed make it there!

Visit the QHLAN14 website for more information
Edited by xou at 21:48 CDT, 6 June 2010 - 7550 Hits
Ownage grand final: Locktar vs Milton (26 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 10:37 CDT, 11 May 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CDT, 15 May 2010 to 15:00 CDT, 15 May 2010
Schedule: Passed

On Saturday it's time for one of the greatest duels of the whole year as the grand final in the online tournament Ownage takes place. It's the Swedish player Locktar, coming from loser's bracket where he beat Bulat, who takes on the Finnish star player Milton.

It's a best-of-five-maps series on DM2, DM4, DM6, Aerowalk and ZTNDM3. There will be commentary by Jehar, so make sure to prepare yourself with good food and enough beer for an exciting thriller!

Read more
Previous encounter | Ownage WB | Ownage LB | Betting Fixture

Going live
Live stream |
Edited by Zalon at 12:03 CDT, 15 May 2010 - 8758 Hits
Ownage Winner Bracket Final on TONIGHT! (33 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 10:50 CDT, 15 April 2010 - iMsg
The most prestigious duel tournament in Quakeworld features one of it's key games tonight as the Swedish player Sweden Locktar takes on Finland Milton from Finland in a best of five map series on DM2, DM4, DM6, ZTNDM3 and Aerowalk. You can watch the game on QTV or tune in via the live stream that will be available.
14:00 CDT - Ownage Winner Bracket Final: Locktar vs Milton

Results - Demos+Commentary
Links: Announcement, QTV, Stream
Edited by Zalon at 19:07 CDT, 15 April 2010 - 8231 Hits
Facebook (36 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:56 CDT, 11 April 2010 - iMsg
Greetings from South Africa,

Your favourite game has gone Facebook:

Expect convenient updates on the most important games and happenings.

Enjoy \o/
9221 Hits
QHLAN13 1on1 and 2on2 finals coming up (10 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 10:58 CST, 5 January 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CST, 5 January 2010
Schedule: Passed

After four days of massive carnage the 1on1 and 2on2 tournaments on QHLAN will come to an end in two mind blowing finals played during this very evening. First up will be the 2on2 finals between Sweden Locktar / Sweden Bps and Sweden OK98 / Sweden Lethalwiz (link to match on Goldrush) which will be played in a best of five series on DM2, DM4, DM6, Aero and ZTNDM3. After the 2on2 final the last games in the 1on1 will hopefully be played depending on how far that tournament has come by then.

Live coverage will be available through a stream and QTV with United States of America Jehar and Sweden Adde in the virtual commentary booth.

2on2 finals: 20:00CET
IRC: #QHLAN (Quakenet)
Tournament site: QHLAN13 Tournaments
Coverage:, Refragged

Edited by Åke Vader at 11:14 CST, 5 January 2010 - 4869 Hits
QHLAN13 (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 02:41 CST, 30 December 2009 - iMsg
View Coverage: QHLAN13
Location: Stockholm
Duration: 2 Jan 2010 to 6 Jan 2010

QHLAN is the biggest Quakeworld LAN in the world and is hosted once each year in Stockholm, Sweden. It is a BYOC event and one can expect top players and teams which will provide good games for the masses to follow.
Edited by xou at 03:58 CST, 24 February 2010 - 2918 Hits
QW statistics site launched (17 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:08 CST, 7 February 2009 - iMsg
Yesterday the new site went live after being in the development stage for quite some time. The site is developed by Ireland Pleuraxeraphim and Czech Republic Johnny_cz and keeps track of all the games you play on the Quakeworld servers in the world. A feature list can be found on the website itself:

(1) QW Match Results for 1on1, 2on2, 4on4 and FFA Matches played on KTX servers
(2) Weekly Stats: Provides a day by day breakdown of figures for each game Mode.
(3) Map Statistics with breakdown of matches played on a map per Game Mode (1on1, FFA etc)
(4) Weekly Leaderboard rankings of players for each Game Mode.
(5) Awards section for Top 3 ranked Leaderboard players each week in each Game Mode.
(6) Player Database: Complete list of all players that have played on KTX/FFA Servers.
(7) Player Comparison: Load up all matches played between a pair of players.
(8) Player Profile: View all matches and statistics for any individual player.
(9) Server Lists: List of KTX Servers and FFA Servers scanned.

The site can thus be used to keep track of your own games, scout players/teams, compete for weekly awards, see general statistics on activity on Quakeworld servers and much, much more.

Head on over to
Edited by Åke Vader at 07:08 CST, 7 February 2009 - 6343 Hits
QHLAN 12 launches website (24 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 05:57 CDT, 20 September 2008 - iMsg
Scheduled: 03:00 CST, 2 January 2009 to 13:00 CST, 5 January 2009
Schedule: Passed

Today the QHLAN crew launched their new website with useful information about their next event. The 12th edition of the biggest Quakeworld LAN in the world will as usual be taking place between 2-5 of January 2009. The venue will be Vikingahallen in Märsta (just outside of Stockholm) this time.

The entrance fee for this spectacular event is merely 250SEK (€28) and included in this is loads of gibs for a whole weekend along with at least a 1on1 and a 4on4 tournament, so make sure to sign up your team! There are quite a few known players signed up already, which should make for a great action packed event.

List of signed up players
List of signed up clans
Main site
Edited by Nicky at 14:17 CDT, 20 September 2008 - 17460 Hits
ezQuake client takes command of latency (30 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 05:06 CDT, 20 September 2008 - iMsg
Today the main Quakeworld portal reports about advancement in the area of ping related issues in Quakeworld. Previously the cmd minping command has been used to adjust pings if players in a big tournament game insist on having a fair ping. The drawback of this method is that all players in a game are affected even if it's only one player that needs to "ping up", as this feature introduces a bunch of unwanted effects.

Another method is be to use a Qizmo proxy to re-route the Quakeworld packets to reach a higher ping, but this is not as realiable and is a quite time consuming method as one needs to search for a suitable Qizmo proxy server.

The new feature, added by the russian prodigy Russia Qqshka, that is up for testing in the ezQuake client is a client side command called cl_delay_packet <ms> which basically lets you add as many milliseconds to your ping as you like. This makes it possible to set a stable ping in situations where the ping may be jumpy, which sometimes causes the sensitive players to whine for hours when there is a big game coming up with thousands of spectators watching.

Read more about the feature and how to test it at
Edited by Åke Vader at 12:44 CDT, 20 September 2008 - 11115 Hits
The worst part of Quake Live is... (31 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 03:21 CDT, 9 August 2008 - iMsg
...not that it's basically Q3 (ghaoiha)...

Edited by Åke Vader at 15:19 CDT, 11 August 2008 - 16059 Hits
The ideal tournament website (10 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 15:41 CST, 6 March 2008 - iMsg
I'm doing a bit of a survey at the moment to see what people think are necessary features on a top notch tournament website. What i'm after is suggestions on the whole functionality of the site; everything from what kinds of tournaments can be hosted to what kind of statistics that can be generated after a game to what kind of user roles that are possible to have on the site and so on.

What would you demand if you could make up the tournament website of your dreams? Please be as specific as possible.

Are there any current tournaments that you think have excellent functionality? What makes them good or bad? Link please. :)
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:44 CST, 6 March 2008 - 4692 Hits
Quake Nations Cup 2008 (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 10:33 CST, 19 January 2008 - iMsg
View Coverage: QNC'08
Organiser: Hawr1x
Location: Online
Date: 18 Jan 2008

The Quake nations cup is an online event which spans all four games in the Quake series.

IRC: (Quakenet)
Edited by xou at 15:43 CST, 6 January 2009 - 6788 Hits
Quake 1 (2 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:52 CST, 10 January 2008 - iMsg
Quake 1 is the first game in the popular Quake series. The Quake 1 played today goes by the name Quakeworld, which is a modification to the original game that enhances the online performance. It's probably the fastest and most action packed shooter around that offers a solid experience to any player that decides to venture upon the lovely, dark and hardcore world of Quake.

Quake 1 was developed by id id Software and released back in 1996. The Quakeworld modification was not released until a year after though, in 1997. Quakeworld is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. To get the best Quakeworld experience today, it is recommended that a new player use the popular nQuake package which is an installer that includes the necessary things.

Most tools, as in servers, clients, websites and what not, that are used in Quakeworld today are continously updated, which keeps the game fresh and up to par with any other shooter there is. A sample of the gameplay can be seen in the video below.
Promotional video

Get started:
Read the brief Quakeworld startup guide!

Community Mods and Utilities:
ezQuake client (Note: The nQuake package already includes the ezQuake client!)
Kombat Teams Extreme (KTX)
Quake TV (QTV)

Ownage 1on1 tournament
European Quake League (EQL)
Nations Quake Rank (NQR)

QWTV & Demos

Helpful Links:
Quakeworld wiki
Goldrush (QW play money betting site)

mIRC IRC Channels:

Facebook wiki Stage6

(For information to be added to this FAQ please iMsg the author or post below)
Edited by Åke Vader at 15:18 CDT, 18 March 2008 - 18926 Hits
DSC01169.JPG (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:21 CST, 1 December 2007 - iMsg
Bps, without his phone, owning Locust in prac i think.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 4101 Hits
DSC01170.JPG (2 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:21 CST, 1 December 2007 - iMsg
Coach Nabbe giving hints and tips before Destrux's (Inferno) clash against Paradoks.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 5218 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:21 CST, 1 December 2007 - iMsg
Locust practicing against Bps before the quarterfinals.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3234 Hits
DSC01173.JPG (2 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:21 CST, 1 December 2007 - iMsg
Overview of the LAN, Paradoks jumping around in-game with a few people watching.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3383 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:21 CST, 1 December 2007 - iMsg
Blaze, Lornelin and some other talked about commentary for the finals and so on.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 4670 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 07:21 CST, 1 December 2007 - iMsg
Paradoks with his live spectators behind him.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 5311 Hits
Dreamhack -07 Quakeworld tournament (6 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 14:35 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Here is a collection of pictures taken on the Dreamhack 2007 event which features a Quakeworld tournament. Pictures are taken by Åke Vader, hence it will focus on the Quakeworld part of the event.

Edited by Åke Vader at 16:30 CST, 30 November 2007 - 8786 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 13:26 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Picture of the Quakeworld area, showing the plasma monitor that is constantly showing off Quakeworld movies like DDE3.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 2815 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 13:26 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Another picture of the Quakeworld tournament area. Again the screen to the left that shows Quakeworld movies. The screen to the right shows results and standings in the tournament.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 2742 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 13:26 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Front view of the area, with my monitor indicating my seat in the foreground.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 2680 Hits
DSC01163.JPG (5 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 13:26 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Some of the people who couldn't cope with Quakeworld, gibs and rock'n'roll settled only for the latter option.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 4356 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
"Patience, young Padawan..."
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 2908 Hits
DSC01154.JPG (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
As if anyone wouldn't recognize the superstar!?
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3475 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Sobrious is helping out quite a bit with the tournament, making sure everything runs according to schedule.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3110 Hits
DSC01156.JPG (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
I walked by the spectator arena and thought i'd show you what it can be like in the "E-sports hall".
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 2840 Hits
DSC01157.JPG (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Besides the big spectator arena i noticed they had projectors showing something on the wall...and you noticed the pic of Locktar and Reppie before - yep, they were watching the crazy bastards on DM2. :) (along with, possibly, some WC3)
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3601 Hits
DSC01158.JPG (4 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
"Go Reppie!"
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3944 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
The spectator arena was being setup for the Intel Iseries of whatever the tournament was.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 2860 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
...and the same thing again.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 2769 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Another similar thing. Let's hope the QW finals gets broadcasted on one of these spectator thingies?
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 2667 Hits
DSC01162.JPG (3 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 11:22 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
I'm not sure what they were watching. Probably CS. :(
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3654 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Reppie practicing on the tournament computers.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3921 Hits
DSC01139.JPG (8 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Outside view of the Quakeworld tournament area.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 5278 Hits
DSC01140.JPG (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Riker and Inferno focused on the action going on at their monitors.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3626 Hits
DSC01142.JPG (3 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Bps owning it up while talking on the phone. Quite a trick to call your enemy while playing and letting him know how much he sucks. So cheap!
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 4341 Hits
DSC01143.JPG (9 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Two of the not-so-familiar faces in the Quakeworld tournament.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 6576 Hits
DSC01144.JPG (5 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Locktar preparing the QW setup to perfection. Everything must be smooth in order to dominate that DM2.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 5172 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Phil kept records of the the beginning.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3378 Hits
DSC01146.JPG (18 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Phil still keeping records of the wins. Ncr and Bps watching Paradoks in action.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 8992 Hits
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Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 4207 Hits
DSC01148.JPG (4 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Carmac dropped by to say hi, and to touch Paradoks in inappropriate places in order to increase the chances get an exclusive interview with the superstar.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 4100 Hits
DSC01149.JPG (1 comment)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Ncr trying to configure his setup, which he also had some problems with. Quite a few players had problems.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3568 Hits
DSC01150.JPG (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Casey from former Shadow Minions dropped by to support Paradoks on his road to victory.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3046 Hits
DSC01151.JPG (3 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
Locust getting support by Dronar with his Quake setup.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 4059 Hits
DSC01152.JPG (No comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
After a hectic afternoon which included input of scores, playing, getting a proper network cable, meeting all the new faces...i thought i deserved one of these.
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 3025 Hits
DSC01141.JPG (2 comments)
Posted by Åke Vader @ 09:36 CST, 30 November 2007 - iMsg
The crazy german Adrenalin had a few problems with his setup to start with. Nabbe standing right beside him, making sure noone gets too close. (Destrux aka Inferno to the far left)
Edited by Åke Vader at 09:23 CST, 1 December 2007 - 4985 Hits
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