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QL Buddy – extension for Google Chrome (6 comments)
Posted by Nakilon @ 16:55 CST, 22 December 2012 - iMsg
I'm glad to announce the first public release of the tool named QL Buddy.

It is for those, who don't want to miss cool QuakeLive servers, which are currently online, but also don't want to spend time at, keeping eye on serverlist or buddylist.

The tool is actually a Google Chrome Extension. It's not necessary to be logged into from Chrome, because it gets data anonymously (but actually, if you log in, the browser will provide cookies, which may influe results a bit).
While the QuakeLive site can display only one search filter at once, it allows you to keep eye on several searches simultaneously.
Also it can produce sound notification, if some of specified buddies are detected on any server, found in search results.


Open this webstore page in Chrome and install it. The extension's icon immediately appears, and you are ready to use the tool. It uses Chrome Local Storage to save your presets, and at first, they are obviously empty.
So now you have to open the (refresh the page if it was already opened in any tab), click "Play online" and do some server search (it would be better, if you do the search with non-empty results – it will be easier to learn, how this tool works). After that without going away from current page click the extension icon and then the button "Add current search filter to this list". Less than in 10 seconds you'll see results if click the icon again. You may add up to 10 searches, but keep in mind, that it may cause network lags each 10 seconds, if you have not enough wide connection.
You may "DELETE" any search – the last one will take its place instead. Also you may click the button "Details" which is similar to when you move mouse onto server at to see details. The extension icon displays a 'badge' – a number, saying, how many servers are currently found by all filters. If you want some search results to be excluded from the counter, check the checkbox "Don't count" next to search filter.
If you see some bug, try to reproduce it, to ensure, that it's not your fantasy (for example, search list changes need up to 10 seconds to take effect). Then click the button "debug", copy contents of the tab that just opened, and send it to with nice explanation, what went wrong.
P.S.: try not to search with parameter "In your vicinity" – the extension works anonymously, so it's unable to determine your location, so you'll get USA servers, unless you are currently logged into in Chrome.

About authors

Idea and extension itself (JS) – Victor Maslov aka Nakilon
Design (HTML/CSS) – fraggedICE
Betatesting – URAZ, Enonatan


Email for techsupport, thanks and feature requests –
Webstore download/install link – plgmlnocppdoaolgkklhnomfbofjbepb
Wiki –

UPDATE (17 Jan 2013)

Since first public release, there are new features in v.0.5.0:
– finally the 'buddy detection', which highlights servers and makes extension icon green;
– showing ip:port, team scores, each player score;
– nicknames are now clickable;
– each search filter is now titled with automatically generated description.
Screenshot has been updated.
Edited by Nakilon at 20:43 CST, 16 January 2013 - 7947 Hits
Setting up your QL mapping environment (32 comments)
Posted by cityy @ 16:51 CST, 8 November 2012 - iMsg
With this article I want to provide a quick guide to setting up GTKradiant and Wolfcam for mapping as many people were willing to try it out but had problems getting started.

Video Tutorial


1. Setting up Wolfcam
In order to be able to quickly test your maps without having to put together a .pk3 file after each compile you need to set up wolfcam. To do this, download and unzip the wolfcam archive linked above to any desired location on your harddrive (I suggest you make a special folder for all mapping related files) and copy all the .pk3 files from your quakelive\baseq3\ directory to wolfcam\baseq3\.
Can't find your QuakeLive folder? Click here.

2. Setting up GTKradiant 1.6.3
GTKradiant is the editor used to create maps for several id tech 3 engine games. To make it work with QuakeLive you need to download the archive linked above and unzip it to your new map creation folder from step 1 or any other desired location.
If you launch the radiant executeable now, a popup will appear and you will be asked to specify the game you are looking to work with and enter the path to the game's engine directory.
Select QuakeLive and point the path to your wolfcam directory containing the wolfcam.exe (DO NOT ENTER THE PATH TO WOLFCAM\BASEQ3; CHOOSE THE WOLFCAM ROOT DIRECTORY).
When you are done, confirm your choice clicking the OK button; radiant will now load the game's shaders, textures and entities.

3. Learning the editor
Learning how to make maps requires patience at the beginning but once you learned the basics and got comfortable with the editor it will be a really fluid and fast paces process.
GTKradiant 1.6.3 is still a very young version of GTKradiant so there aren't any tutorials working with it. However, tutorials using version 1.4 and Quake III translate almost 100% to 1.6.3 so you can read those without any concerns.

GTKradiant Tutorials:
- tutorial
- Bubba's GTKradiant tutorial mirrored by Delirium
- Tutorials by Victor Karp (GERMAN)

4. Getting help
If you are getting stuck, feel free to ask more experienced map makers for help. Good places to ask are the Quake3World LEM forum, the #radiant Quakenet channel or this thread.

Hope this helps. If you got questions, post below or join #radiant on Quakenet.
Edited by cityy at 13:38 CST, 12 December 2012 - 20432 Hits
Spawns at Terminatria and how to (4 comments)
Posted by pecka_ @ 01:57 CDT, 2 November 2012 - iMsg
at first i saw this but imo more explicitly something like this:

How i get it:
1. make cfg with one temp handy bind:
bind mouse5 "kick all; bot_pause 0; wait 10; addbot keel; addbot keel;addbot keel;addbot keel;addbot keel;addbot keel; addbot keel; addbot keel; addbot keel; addbot keel; addbot keel; addbot keel; wait 10; bot_pause 1"
2. start practice match against bots at any map with maximum total players
3. /devmap terminatria (devmap needs for bot_pause 1 - bot stays at spawn)
4. exec cfg
4. spectate (freecam) and press that bind.

Album with all the 13 spawn at Terminatria
Edited by peckB at 01:58 CDT, 2 November 2012 - 4080 Hits interview with Frozen (24 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 17:20 CDT, 25 October 2012 - iMsg
Let’s welcome the old-school quake player Russia Frozen, who recently played Netherlands Adroits LAN TDM Tournament with Russia impulse7 team! In the interview he talks about the lead-up to the Androids LAN and his experiences at the tournament.
What was your goal for this LAN? To get any good position or just to have fun?
Our goal was to at least pass the group, and potentially get 4th place.

Why you didn’t even advance into the playoff then?
Obviously, one week of practice was just not enough. Our team has huge teamplay experience, but ...
Read More

Russia Yuriy "Foppa" Romanov can be found on Facebook.

Source: Ukraine translated for you by Ukraine nicerdicer and Switzerland Memento_Mori
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Edited by Badb0y at 15:43 CDT, 1 November 2012 - 24869 Hits
Quake Duel Theory (41 comments)
Posted by Kapiter @ 17:48 CDT, 3 October 2012 - iMsg
The quake veteran United Kingdom ddk has put online a nice tutorial for duel beginners called "Quake Duel Theory".

Video: Quake Duel Theory

Notes used in this video can be read here.

Be sure to check his Youtube channel for more tutorials, analyses and quake matchs.
Edited by Kapiter at 16:01 CDT, 4 October 2012 - 23546 Hits
Netcode Comparisons (OSP, CPMA, QL) (308 comments)
Posted by Weird @ 16:43 CDT, 23 August 2012 - iMsg
Because I just can't stand it anymore how oblivious people are to netcode. And that someone tempted me to write a larger post about it... here we go.
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Edited by Badb0y at 12:40 CDT, 24 August 2012 - 65966 Hits
Painkiller HD beta - a new hope? (68 comments)
Posted by mouse* @ 09:59 CDT, 6 August 2012 - iMsg
So i received the long awaited Painkiller Hell & Damnation Key. Props to Nordic Game they are quite generous with the keys. If you write them an email with some nice words you might get one pretty quick. Anyway I downloaded (700mb) the game and installed it. Before I could install it a rather easy steam bug appeared and i had to update my driver. I have read a lot about this error in the forums and it seems it is a common steam bug which nordic games is not to blame for. Also you can't change controls or mouse in the options menu yet but thats no problem, the config file is easy to find and easy to rewrite manually.
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Edited by xou at 13:11 CDT, 11 August 2012 - 20711 Hits
2D Demo Viewer: making visualizations (5 comments)
Posted by Memento_Mori @ 07:11 CDT, 28 July 2012 - iMsg

this article describes how to create visualizations for the recently released Uber 2D Demo Viewer.


This is still an evolving process, and the current solution involves quite some manual work. You need to be a bit techie and be familiar with different tools (3D modeling/rendering, Photoshop, Radiant).


1. The first step is to generate a 2D rendering or illustration of a map. On this article, I described a process to extract Quake Live maps.

Once you get the 3D model out, the tricky part starts. Ideally you would like to remove any surface whose normal is pointing downward. This is however not enough. Maps have tons of "hidden polygons" outside the reachable walls, and all those contribute in screwing up visualizations.

Once you created a 2D image, you need to save it as PNG with the name of the map, and place it in the "..\U2DDV_v0.1\data\maps" folder.

2. The second part is to create a simple text file that includes the boundaries of your visualizations in Quake coordinates.

This process requires you to have q3radiant (or gtk-, or net-) installed, as well as the .map file for the arena you are working on. You should have the converted .map if you did step 1 using the QL Map Converter, as proposed in the article above.

Done manually this process may be quite annoying, as it all depends on how much margin you have left around the map in your visualization. In the readme file in "..\U2DDV_v0.1\data\maps" you find a dirty hack on how do this.

To make the process simpler, I coded a simple Map Ruler (thanks Switzerland myT for hosting). The process on how to use this is below.

3. If you have done everything correctly, your "..\U2DDV_v0.1\data\maps" folder should now contain "yourmap.png" and "yourmap.txt". Whenever the demo viewer recognizes "yourmap" being played, it will load your visualizations. If you have made mistakes in the formatting of the .txt file, the log window should complain.

Good luck!
Edited by Memento_Mori at 02:55 CDT, 27 June 2016 - 11150 Hits
Interview with zoot from The Party LAN (31 comments)
Posted by nicerdicer @ 04:58 CDT, 7 April 2012 - iMsg
mousestar: You are one of the most famous shoutcasters in the Quake Live scene, how did you start your career?

zoot: I started in 2011 around May, someone offered me the opportunity to cast and i said "yeah sure I`ll give it a go".So I took the opportunity but I was casting on my own. I just sounded extremely monotonous and I could tell it was a lot harder than I thought it would be, so it gave me the motivation to improve.

Full article at
12655 Hits
How to export QL maps to 3D format (41 comments)
Posted by Memento_Mori @ 10:40 CST, 11 February 2012 - iMsg
Since I got this question asked many times, I figured I would write an article instead and point people here.

This process describes how to convert Quake Live maps into 3D formats.

- Quake Live Decembler (quakelivedec.exe)
- An HEX editor (HHD HEX Editor Neo)
- Any version of radiant (GTK 1.4, 1.5, net, ...)
- q3map2.exe


Let assume you want to convert campgrounds (dm6).

1. Fetch 'campgrounds.pk3' inside '...\AppData\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\baseq3'

2. In a command prompt windows do:
quakelivedec.exe campgrounds.pk3

3. Extract the zip content and fetch 'campgrounds.bsp'

4. Open it with the HEX editor and change the fifth byte from '2f' to '2e'. This converts the BSP version back to Q3.

5. In a command prompt windows do:
q3map2.exe -convert -format map campgrounds.bsp
This will generate a ''

6. Open the map in radiant. Filter the geometry off (toggle with alt + 1) select all entities and delete them. Around the map, create a brush box with the shader 'caulk'. Hollow the brush and save.

7. Create an 'info_player_start' anywhere in the map. Save.

8. In a command prompt windows do:
q3map2.exe -game quake3 -meta -patchmeta -subdivisions 2 -v
q3map2.exe -convert -format ase -v campgrounds.bsp
This will generate 'campgrounds.ase', which can be read in most 3D applications.

9. The textures are exported as relative path assuming that the map is located in the folder 'maps' of QL tree. Repeat step 2. for all pk3 files. You can use a batch file like this:
for %%i In (" ...\AppData\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\baseq3\"*.pk3) do quakelivedec "...\AppData\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\baseq3\%%~nxi" "destinationfolder\"
Extract all the files, and put the generated 'campgrounds.ase' inside the folder. Your 3D application should now find the textures.

Edited by Memento_Mori at 06:53 CST, 15 February 2012 - 34584 Hits
Dual Interview of Higgs & DevastatioN (22 comments)
Posted by peterg @ 20:03 CST, 8 November 2011 - iMsg
Quakelive and Doom 2 players (ZDaemon), Canada Higgs and Canada DevastatioN give their insight into both games. They offer contrasting views on various elements of gameplay and the communities. They also give their opinions on topics relevant to the IDL, a 3v3 CTF ZDaemon league.

Check out the full interview on the next page!
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Edited by Demiurge at 15:02 CST, 9 December 2011 - 23596 Hits
QuakeCon 2011 After Action Blog (48 comments)
Posted by GreasedScotsman @ 16:03 CDT, 19 August 2011 - iMsg
Hey folks. United States of America GreasedScotsman here. After the successful planning, management and production of QuakeCon 2011 coverage, I've decided to take a break from broadcasting for the next month or so, perhaps longer, though I may reappear for special events like 2GD's World Tour (described during OneMoreGame/LiveOnThree 08-03-11).

QuakeCon 2011 was an amazing adventure. Thirteen people were responsible for the production and coverage. After last year's clusterfuck where we stepped up to the plate after expecting to play a secondary role to LiveOnThree, lacking equipment and time to plan anything, we knew we had much to prove.

We made a conscious decision to not hype up what we had planned and we chose to not go as "QLTV" but as the "QuakeCon Coverage crew." In hindsight, I know a lot of people literally missed the live stream because of this lack of press. Thankfully, though, we have 720p VODs available on YouTube of all of our content.

Recapping the Cluster
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Edited by GreasedScotsman at 09:31 CDT, 20 August 2011 - 45367 Hits
ASTZ! @ DARE 2011 - Tournament Over (61 comments)
Posted by astz! @ 17:32 CDT, 9 August 2011 - iMsg
Scheduled: 03:00 CDT, 12 August 2011 to 13:00 CDT, 14 August 2011
Schedule: Passed

As the UT2004 LAN in Dundee, Scotland draws near, I have been collecting some information from the confirmed players to put together this coverage article. On the pages below you will find some information about the players themselves along with their personal predictions!

Netherlands Mathijs "NeMeS|s" Beemsterboer
France Florian "zelvZ" Malletier
France Thibault "ecko" Delaye
Denmark Jan "lo2dk" Hannibalsen
Norway Ivan Thomas "Forseti" Pietruszenk
Sweden Andreas "Kenchu" Ehnbom
Netherlands Wouter "ScrMz" Hinloopen
Norway Kim A. "rmzs" Lorentzen
Netherlands Frederiek "Frantic" van Gammeren
United Kingdom Matthew "savantguarde" Bett

United Kingdom Lovey, Switzerland eXen, United Kingdom Skullthrone, United Kingdom marauds, Scotland Rozzy

The tournament is sponsored by Intel, Bigfoot Networks and Artisan Gaming. The fantastic Jee Network are hosting the signups and bracket, you can find the link below to register your interest.

The tournament will take place alongside Dare ProtoPlay 2011 - a large games industry event where teams compete to design a game in just 6 weeks, with the winner being judged by the public and some industry VIPs for large prizes and potential jobs in the industry.

The Format, Seedings, Groups and so on will be added to the article tomorrow! :)

Update: Tournament results! Read on to page 13 for some player interviews. Gallery, demos and videos coming soon.

Links: Original Announcement, Tournament Page, mIRC #DARE.UT
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Edited by xou at 19:35 CDT, 16 August 2011 - 43760 Hits
Quake Live dedicated servers (481 comments)
Posted by ql4all @ 15:44 CDT, 7 July 2011 - iMsg
Not a joke, real deal. And it's up-to-date with current game version.

Update: The world has not ended, Christmas is coming, here's a gift. Dec 17th, 2012 updated.

Edited by ql4all at 13:35 CST, 22 December 2012 - 307487 Hits
TDM Map Statistics (56 comments)
Posted by Nukm @ 13:47 CDT, 28 April 2011 - iMsg
I sat down to gather some statistics about the current TDM maps and ended up wasting hours going into unnecessary detail, so I decided that I should at least make it worthwhile and post a little analysis and summary.

I took the match result data from the EC XXII, ESL EMS XII, ESH Full Tilt Poker Challenge (Div 1) and the currently running EC XXIII and will try to update it once in a while.

Page 1: Analysis
Page 2: Raw data
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Edited by Nukm at 14:40 CDT, 28 April 2011 - 30877 Hits
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