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Coverage: HoQ Spring 2016
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Rankings (46 comments)
Posted by xou @ 11:18 CDT, 18 May 2016 - iMsg
Last Tuesday, the HoQ TDM Spring 2016 league saw its last match played. The time has now come to release the rankings for the three divisions.

First, if you missed some games, most of the VODs are available on Plus Forward (please point out the missing ones). We also hope some players will come forward and upload some demos.

Final Rankings

Prize Distribution

Thank you all for your donations, again!
Division 1
cup_gold deal with it - 210 EUR
cup_silver REKT - 150 EUR

Division 2
cup_gold B52 - 120 EUR

Division 3
cup_gold Zombei - 80 EUR
Thank you all for donating, watching, streaming, and playing.

Links: Results, Prize Money - mIRC #HoQLeagues
Edited by xou at 14:37 CDT, 18 May 2016 - 17109 Hits
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round Catchup (13 comments)
Posted by xou @ 05:29 CDT, 15 May 2016 - iMsg
This Sunday, 15th of May, will see the last round of the ql HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!

We're now in the round catchup, where all the late and wildcarded matches will be played. The last Division 1 match was played last week. Only Division 2 and 3 are still running now.

Here is the schedule for the last matches.

Update: Europe nerds were sanctioned with a noshow against Czech Republic Virtual owners (insaccato preferred to go and play another match). They didn't agree with the admin decision and decided to drop from the league.

Streams: 102, klyb, k1lljoy, g4rlock, flair
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues
Edited by xou at 07:20 CDT, 17 May 2016 - 8254 Hits
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 7 (12 comments)
Posted by xou @ 04:47 CDT, 7 May 2016 - iMsg
This Sunday, 8th of May, will see the seventh round of the ql HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!

The cash prize distribution has been finalized. We have a total of 562€ and we don't really expect any more donation now. The first and second of Division 1 will respectively be rewarded with 210€ and 150€. The winners of Division 2 and 3 will respectively get 120€ and 80€. Again, thanks to our donors :)

Here is the schedule for this new round.

Last week saw two teams dropping out of div1: the big dicks and Pacmen. Just 4 teams are left now and Deliberate Murder vs Team Hungary will meet this Monday for the 3rd rank.

We had another drop out in Division 2, Onfire decided to give up. Division 3 also had its share of problems. RAKS couldn't get 4 players against Dretwe Lamy, who accepted a noshow win. But then Dretwe Lamy played against nerds with an invalid player (shib who is not part of their squad). In the end, Dretwe Lamy agreed to settle a new date against RAKS and was mercy'd twice by nerds anyway.

Update: excel was kicked out of Div2 after 2 noshows.

Streams: 102, klyb, k1lljoy, g4rlock
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues
Edited by xou at 13:42 CDT, 13 May 2016 - 13655 Hits
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 6 (43 comments)
Posted by xou @ 13:06 CDT, 29 April 2016 - iMsg
This Sunday, 1st of May, will see the sixth round of the ql HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!

Here is the schedule for this new round.

Division 1 should be over by now, but we have 6 matches in the catchup round. Anyway, the main encounter for the first rank was played last week. It seems nobody will be able to stop deal with it now, REKT just lost to them in a close close game.

The main game of the second division was also played last week, (B52) faced last pick and managed to defeat them after a long evening! In the same week, the Russians also got rid of WORLDSTAR and are definitely leading the rankings now. Note that excel, Burrito and Onfire still haven't scored any points!

Only one game played for the 5th div3 round, Zombei ate up RAKS. Virtual owners and Dretwe Lamy have rescheduled for Sunday evening.

Update: Sweden Onfire decided to drop out, all the remaining opponents were given defwins.
Update2: Europe the big dicks didn't show up for their last match and decided to drop out before we kick them.
Update3: Europe Pacmen ran out of pills and dropped from div.

Streams: Russia 102, Russia klyb, United States of America flairtv
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues - Donate for the league
Edited by xou at 12:43 CDT, 6 May 2016 - 19513 Hits
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 5 (20 comments)
Posted by xou @ 11:35 CDT, 22 April 2016 - iMsg
This Sunday, 24th of April, will see the fifth round of the ql HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!

Here is the schedule for this new round.

Division 1 only had one match from round 4 played this week. Now, Pacmen won't be able to play before May 4th and deal with it and REKT are struggling to arrange a date. But Deliberate Murder have been quite active! First they managed to get a clean win from the big dicks. And then they faced their round 3 opponents, REKT, in a thrilling three-mapper. You should definitely check the VODs if you haven't seen this match (Russia 102, United Kingdom? insan3). Round 5 is the last round for Division 1, but there are still 8 matches to be played.

last pick and (B52) still lead the Division 2 rankings after winning their matches. The other match was wildcarded by Onfire. Division 3's Zombei remains undefeated after a close game against Dretwe Lamy. And Platige Team is on the same path after meeting with Virtual owners.

One word about nerds as they only played 1 match in 4 rounds. All their opponents used wildcard and they don't have a match this week. They're the favorites of Division 3 so Zombei and Platige Team should take advantage of the delayed matches to practice, practice, practice !

Streams: Russia 102, Russia klyb, United States of America flairtv
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues - Donate for the league
Edited by xou at 17:02 CDT, 28 April 2016 - 12338 Hits
House of Quake CA 4v4 Round 4 recap (2 comments)
Posted by viaIImaximus @ 15:23 CDT, 20 April 2016 - iMsg
The fourth round of HoQ CA 4v4 Spring Season 2016 was played on April 14th featuring four matches across two divisions this time round.

The match results are the following:


Even though in this round we haven’t seen any division 1 matches being played, the folks in division 2 and 3 sure did their best to entertain us with their games. It’s those damn Russ.. uhm.. Danes again who were in the spotlight of the evening. The match division 2 has been looking forward to for a while now, the match that would decide the group leader, the match that would end world hunger (!), well not really but our hunger for a good CA game was fed by a nubz versus Team PULSE clash. Ruining this epic hype introduction is very well related to a 0:2 straight win for Team PULSE. That gets them the lead position in the group and gets everyone else’s fangs out ready to suck on their blood and points while at it. Other than that match, the German’s got the ‘boot’ (not Das Boot the movie) but an Italian one. The Italian Death Squad won over, now ashamed, Team CODIAN who lost in two straight maps. Team CODIAN now with no points added to their name don’t look too good. Italian’s managed to get 6 points so far and are tied with nubz.

A nice pairing was displayed in division 3, where we had two A and B teams from Frag Emm Clan and Because life is izi… The two, actually four, managed to play three mapper matches. One match went to the [IZI] B while facing F.E.C with a 2:1 win! Since the universe acknowledges only one constant and that is balance, in that retrospect F*E*C was bound to win, and win they did, while [IZI] A being the victims of poor planet alignment and sheer bad luck, lost. ‘Fraggers’ won this matchup with a 2:1 result. LG/ still leads the group with a nice purse of points, 12 being the number, while close second are the 2StH, while the third place is having a threesome. Three teams sharing the same amount of points, that being 6, and it features two [IZI] teams and one F*E*C team in a clench.

Be sure to check out some more upcoming matches this week!

Note: The servers used for official games MUST have HoQ gametype factories (hoq_ca) to enforce the proper CA settings. Please check the rules if you are not sure about something or contact a HoQ CA admin.

Links: YouTube funnyb YouTube playlist, Results , Schedule, Rules
Edited by viaIImaximus at 15:26 CDT, 20 April 2016 - 7075 Hits
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 4 (32 comments)
Posted by xou @ 06:53 CDT, 16 April 2016 - iMsg
This Sunday, 17th of April, will see the fourth round of the ql HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!

Here is the schedule for this new round.

With two wildcards, one forfeit loss and a failed reschedule, the round 3 could seem pretty quiet. But the div1 game between Team Hungary and the big dicks brought a good three-mapper. Also, the russian clash in div3, RAKS and infinity, ended up with a deciding map. In div2, WORLDSTAR versus Hateful Eight was also a close one.

Streams: Russia 102, United Kingdom funnyb, Russia klyb, United States of America flairtv
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues - Donate for the league
Edited by xou at 08:02 CDT, 22 April 2016 - 14420 Hits
HoQ CA Spring Season 2016 Round 3 Recap (4 comments)
Posted by viaIImaximus @ 12:24 CDT, 12 April 2016 - iMsg
The third round of HoQ CA 4v4 Spring Season 2016 was played on April 7th featuring four matches across three divisions. A couple of close matches played in Division 1 and Division 2 made this day very interesting for all CA lovers.

The match results are the following:


First things first. There's some bad news that involves a particular team in division 3. The team in question is Poland Dretwe Lamy, who unable to field enough players to play their games have decided to drop out of the tournament. All the matches have therefore been forfeit wins for their opponents which sees them getting 3 points each. As far as division 3 matches go, there were two played. It seems 2 Steps to Hell stepped up their game and won against Frag Emm Clan (F*E*C) in a 2:0 map win. Unfortunately, for the Because life is izi... clan life proved to be a lot more difficult when facing Loaded/Gunz. With a 2:0 win, LG are toping the group with 12 points with a close second 2StH with 9 points and [IZI A] 3 points.

Exciting things are happening in division 1 and division 2. The main event of the evening being a div 1 match between ENERG and The Northern Tribe. A match that could very well turn out to be the decider for the winner of the group. In that retrospect ENERG is in a better position as they won over tnt in a 3 map thriller, settling down on a 2:1 score. So far ENERG and tnt are tied in the number of points, six to be exact. Having Team CODIAN and whylove breathing down their necks.
Another hair pulling match was taking place in division 2 where the Team PULSE got the scalp off White Ivory. The three mapper clash proved to be a bit too much for White Ivory as they are now third in the group with 3 points. Two Denmark teams are leading the fray in this group with a tie of six points each.

This looks like to be a great CA season as things are pretty even so far. Indeed, not many matches have been played until now but some of the key ones have been and their outcomes are setting the stage for high quality confrontations.

Note: The servers used for official games MUST have HoQ gametype factories (hoq_ca) to enforce the proper CA settings. Please check the rules if you are not sure about something or contact a HoQ CA admin.

Links: YouTube funnyb YouTube playlist, Results , Schedule, Rules
Edited by viaIImaximus at 12:49 CDT, 12 April 2016 - 9204 Hits
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 3 (38 comments)
Posted by xou @ 10:32 CDT, 8 April 2016 - iMsg
This Sunday, 10th of April, will see the third round of the ql HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!

The crash prize distribution has been settled last week, but we're reviewing it and may alter it in the near future to redirect some money to the lower divisions! You can see the details about the donators and the distribution in the google doc.

Here is the Round 3 schedule.

Round 2 only saw 5 out of 9 matches played: 4 teams handed their wildcard to the admins. And the 5 matches played were 2-mappers!

In Div1, the big dicks managed to get 4 players and defeated d4. Hungary (despite the help of feeder and dash) failed to win a map from REKT. As for Div2, last pick mercy'd the Hateful Eight twice and (B52) seemed comfortable against Onfire. The only match in Div3 put the Zombei ahead of infinity!

Streams: Russia 102, United Kingdom funnyb, Russia klyb
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues - Donate for the league
Edited by xou at 04:02 CDT, 14 April 2016 - 16690 Hits
HoQ CA Spring Season 2016 Round 2 Recap (5 comments)
Posted by viaIImaximus @ 04:25 CDT, 2 April 2016 - iMsg
The second round of HoQ CA 4v4 Spring Season 2016 was played on March 31st featuring five matches across three divisions. It seems things are slowly picking up pace for CA with division 2 being the most combat-ready as it had three matches played that night.

The match results are the following:


This time round division 1 proved to be a bit shy when it comes to the number of matches played. We only saw action in one match and that being between ENERG and brainwashed where the later pulled the short end of the stick. This victory brings 3 valuable points to ENERG which are also the first points this team scored so far. With three teams sharing the same number of points, things are set to be suspenseful for this year’s Division 1 HoQ CA .

Moving on to division 2 it’s rather refreshing to see so many matches played on schedule, three to be precise. The Loaded/Gunz versus nubz proved to be most thrilling as it has pulled in a three mapper. It seems nubz had shown to be a little more experienced than their name suggests bringing them a second, division 2 victory so far. Italians turned out to be a more of a Dead Squad than Death, as they have lost to White Ivory in two maps, bringing Ivory a first match win this season. The final showdown between Team Pulse and Team CODIAN, saw Danes winning over the disciplined Germans in a 2:0 win and bringing them this season’s first points. nubz lead their group with 6 points, followed by 3 pointers from Ivory and Pulse . Looks like division 3 mimics division 1 when it comes to the number of matches played, as the one and only was Loaded/Gunz pitting against 2 Steps to Hell. Judging by the result Italians were 2 steps from winning this match but still left hell bound and didn’t manage to overcome the Gunz blazing team. A second win for the LG/ (life is good for them so far) assures their top spot in the division with 6 points.

Update: izi.A vs izi.B match result added!

Note: The servers used for official games MUST have HoQ gametype factories (hoq_ca) to enforce the proper CA settings. Please check the rules if you are not sure about something or contact a HoQ CA admin.

Links: YouTube funnyb YouTube playlist, Results , Schedule, Rules
Edited by PerpetualWar at 12:08 CDT, 4 April 2016 - 9100 Hits
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 2 (83 comments)
Posted by xou @ 07:07 CDT, 1 April 2016 - iMsg
This Sunday, 3rd of April, will see the second round of the ql HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!

The crash prize distribution has been settled. Division 1 will receive 90% of it (50% for 1st rank, 25% for 2nd rank and 15% for 3rd rank) and Division 2's first rank will get the 10% left. You can see the details about the donators and the distribution in the google doc.

Here is the Round 2 schedule.

During the first Div1 round, the big dicks couldn't deal with it and pussied out with a forfeit loss. Team Hungary failed to show up because feeder decided Quake isn't fun anymore and dash wouldn't play without the best possible line-up. In the only match played, REKT got rid of Pacmen in 2 maps (Flair might upload that VOD to YouTube!).

Div2 went more smoothly. (B52) made a strong impression and double-mercy'd the Burrito. The Hateful Eight probably had a bad warm-up and needed a thrilling third map to win over excel. Also, WORLDSTAR used the wildcard against onfire. Finally, all the games from Div3 were played, and there are VODs available for all of them. So go and check them out!

Streams: Russia 102, United Kingdom funnyb, United States of America Flair TV
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues - Donate for the league
Edited by xou at 10:09 CDT, 8 April 2016 - 41366 Hits
HoQ TDM 4v4 Spring Season 2016 Coverage (86 comments)
Posted by viaIImaximus @ 19:45 CDT, 26 March 2016 - iMsg
HoQ TDM 4v4 Spring Season 2016 is starting tonight with first three Div 1 matches being played at 21:00 CEST! Until then, entertain yourself with interviews from the clan leaders and their predictions on today's games.

Keep checking this page as I'll be adding more interviews from div 2 and div 3 clans. Also I would like to wish a Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it! Besides that, I would like to thank all the clans for letting me interview them, and who have shown that the QL scene consists of really cool people, who enjoy playing their favorite game. Don't forget to check the streams for tonight's action.

Streams: Russia 102, United Kingdom funnyb, United States of America Flair TV
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues - Donate for the league
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Edited by viaIImaximus at 09:12 CDT, 27 March 2016 - 112291 Hits
HoQ CA Spring Season 2016 Round 1 Recap (8 comments)
Posted by viaIImaximus @ 17:31 CDT, 25 March 2016 - iMsg
Yesterday night, at 21.00 CET to be exact, saw HoQ CA 4v4 Spring Season 2016 kicking off with four matches being played. Some matches have been rescheduled and some teams have used a wildcard but overall it was a great CA night with interesting matches. Some very close games were featured. You can check them out on funnyb's YouTube YouTube playlist, as he has uploaded most of the VOD's if you wish to review any of the matches. Furthermore, I have interviewed most of the clans that have played yesterday. If you want to know their impressions and opinions on the games they have played continue reading. Be sure to keep an eye on this article as I’ll be adding more interviews!

The match results are the following:


Links: YouTube funnyb YouTube playlist, HoQ CA Results
Article Page: 1, 2, 3 || next page >>
Edited by viaIImaximus at 18:12 CDT, 25 March 2016 - 52824 Hits
HoQ TDM Spring 2016 - Round 1 (34 comments)
Posted by xou @ 05:28 CDT, 25 March 2016 - iMsg
This Sunday, 27th of March, will see the first matches of the ql HoQ TDM Spring Season 2016!

With 3 divisions and 20 teams, this new season features 2 more teams than the previous. So far, the prize money consists of 455 EUR. The details of the prize distribution will be announced later.

Here are the matches for the first round of the league. The news will be updated if the teams are rescheduling. We really urge the teams to reschedule as soon as possible when needed, and contact the admins about it.

Streams: Russia 102, United Kingdom funnyb, United States of America Flair TV
Links: Schedule, Rules - mIRC #HoQLeagues - Donate for the league
Edited by xou at 01:26 CDT, 1 April 2016 - 13191 Hits
HoQ CA 4v4 Spring Season 2016 Coverage (25 comments)
Posted by viaIImaximus @ 14:47 CDT, 24 March 2016 - iMsg
Tonight is the night! As it was already announced the HoQ CA 4v4 Spring Season 2016 kicks off tonight at 21:00 CET with first CA matches of the season. A total of 21 teams, across three divisions will be battling to crown themselves as the HoQ CA champions.

To keep you entertained before match start, I set on a quest to get every team's predictions and thoughts about the league and upcoming matches. I have conducted interviews with team leaders spanning all three divisions. I managed to cover almost all of them. Some couldn't be reached, some didn't want to participate but overall it was an interesting experience. I've been working in fifth-gear for the past 24 hours to get this done as soon as possible, so please excuse any mistakes or typos that you might encounter while reading. I'm still editing on-the-go and getting some more interviews in. So keep checking this page.

Other than that, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all who agreed to be interviewed and to those who have helped me along this hectic journey. I have met many new and interesting people along the way and have really enjoyed interacting with you all. I hope you had a good time doing this as well as I did. Thank you again! Furthermore, each page of the article represents a Divison, so page 1 is div 1, page 2 div 2 and so on. Well... What are you waiting for? Start reading and enjoy!
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Edited by viaIImaximus at 14:49 CDT, 24 March 2016 - 53633 Hits
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