Reflex - looks pretty, air control can be fun, looks fast
Reborn - looks like it will have something for everyone, 2GDs contacts might help the games popularity
Nex - weapons look super fun, will have proper matchmaking
Telos - tons of new interesting stuff, probably the most unique and different new game
Rekt - no idea but its an arena fps and its supposed to be in the later stages of development (unlike pretty much all the others)
Freefall - I like sliding in tribes, I think I will like it more in an arena fps
UT4 - should have lots of players, fun guns
Doom 4 - made by a big company, id are probably doing everything to not make the mistake they made with doom 3 so maybe that will be good for this game
After playing the reborn, and reflex pre-alphas, reflex is meaningfully further ahead, and have a more certain design direction. It feels nice, and tight.
Why would people play DotA 2 when they can play DotA 1, or LoL, or HoN... It already exists with so few players, which is the ultimate fate of DotA 2. Mind boggling.
Why do people play SC2? There is already SC1, WC1, WC2, WC3... It already exists with so few players, which is the ultimate fate of SC2. Mind boggling.
Why people play Mario, those nintendo scum have released the same thing... It already exists with so few players, which is the ultimate fate of Mario. Mind boggling.
u just jellus cpm players are getting a sexy new game while you are getting sold "new" 10 year old dreamcast maps that have been free to get foooooor 10 years. lol
You were unable to correctly interpret what I wrote, which shouldn't have been hard. It was really blunt. Regardless, get back to me when you're playing Reflex on the same Quake maps with the same Quake movement using the same Quake weapons against the same, tiny niche encompassing cpm.
why do you whine about nothing? tiny niche cpm? and what is QL ? huge populated? It got 50-100 players more? wow. so cool. Even if QL got 10 times more players, its still a niche.
and who told you such things about reflex? I heard something about new maps, also that weapons are only concept and will be different, maybe core weapons will stay.
And even now I see Reflex will be more beautifull.
all quake games has fine gameplay. The thing is all of them got a little playerbase. New concept of the game will not change it. Rather matchmaking and marketing can help with it.
imo it will be miracle if any of these new games will be popular. imo most of them will fail.
I can tell you want to believe it is the next game for you. It may be and that's fine. You could also play the same thing right now in Quake 3 with the very same people that are going to play Reflex. What is going to change? A map editor. A few minor tweaks. Matchmaking that won't help anything because I guarantee you Reflex will struggle to pull triple digits a month or so after release, if it releases. All the luck in the world to the developer/s and cpm playerbase, but I just can't see it happening. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong.
No, it's not the same at all. Reborn and Nex are not going to be Quake/UT remakes and UT4 is a big name sequel. Reflex is going to be a Quake 3 CPMA clone. I'm done talking about it, being negative in light of something a few hold hopeful. Best of luck to newborn.
Well I think the argument is something to the effect of "if x already exists, why create y?" Which is silly, because that can be said for a large majority of the video-game market.
* Matchmaking (hopefully they get the playerbase big enough to make it work right, but whatever).
* Quake 3 looks like shit these days. I don't care about that and neither do any of the other 50 or so people left on Earth who still play it, but there's one reason why it has no hope of coming back to popularity without a good, modern remake.
* Things aren't set in stone yet, but this isn't a pure straight CPM copy. They're dropping instant weapon switch for one. I'm sure other things will end up differentiating it as well. Hopefully they'll fix the spawn system that's been retarded in CPM for years (just my opinion I guess, but I think it should be 100% random considering how fast CPM is and how small most of the maps are).
newborn replied to me a week ago and made it seem like they were likely going back to instant. hopefully they do because its bluriful to see some of the combos that can be pulled off.
note to newborn: perfect the weapons and instant switch will never be an issue.
They've said that it will be fast but not instant. That was a few weeks ago that I read though, surely these things are subject to change. Who knows, really. The only reason I mentioned it at all was to point out that they're trying to make a game *like* cpm, not just a polished up cpm.
Oh hey there. Lemme get in on that playtesting when it does start. I'll give you guys moneyz for kickstarter or whatever. I'm really interested in this project.
Thought i went into Warsow 1.51 update thread watched the movie felt like warsow, then people wrote about reflex all over the comments, i was like what?
I'm down for what brings players in. We have solid games, it's the player base that's the problem.
so it doesn't matter how great reflex or nex or reborn is. if they pull no new player base, we're in the same position that we were in before. we just have a few more cakes at a empty birthday party.
the new UT might suck but it has a 100x better chance at bringing players into twitch shooters than anything I've seen. The new DOOM can do that too since it's a big name
god just give us a game that gives us a player base. please.
Just the fact that it is made by epic and is an official UT game means it is much less at risk than many of the other new games.
Even if its shit the new UT game has hundreds of thousands of people following it and its announcement spawned articles in all major pc gaming sites. Compare that to the public awareness of something like Reflex.
Reflex will be way better I have no doubt about that, but its at a far higher risk of failure than UT4, Doom or QL2.0/Q5 purely because of marketing and brand recognition.
Its still at risk of failure of course, but far less so than Reflex, Nex, Rekt, Telos or any of the others.
I don't know how much the brand recognition is worth anymore in shooter games.
It's probably just a question of who has money to promote their product.
The reason so many people know about UT4 is because its a new UT game which is a series that already has tons of fans.
Nobody knows about reflex because reflex has no recognition yet. If it was a sequel to a wildly popular game then thousands of people would know about it without a dime being spent on marketing.
Sure the ability to market will help the games out in the later stages and the one with the most money to do that will be at an advantage, but brand recognition is why hundreds of thousands of people know about UT4 right now and why so few people know about the indie titles.
The same would be true of a Quake 5 and is true of Doom 4. People have been following rumours of their possible development for years and the moment something is announced, even if its just a tweet that doesnt cost ID a dime, the situation would be the same as UT4 with everyone clammering for information, articles in pc gamer and all that stuff all because people know and recognize ID software and the Quake franchise.
Brand recognition and marketing are both important