yle="color: #000; font-size:14; font-weight:900; font-family:arial; letter-spacing:1px; text-transform:uppercase;">BoxeR |

| yle="font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; color: #fff;">Name:
Lim Yo-Hwan
Clan(s): SlayerS, Orion

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| yle="font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: #fff; font-weight: bold;" valign="top">
Which gaming scene has the most progamers?
Which progamers put in the most time?
Which progamers have wages and annual contracts?
Which progamers are recognised when they walk down the street, and cause queues of autograph hunters to form?
Which progamers appear on national TV, in the news, in commercials and in lifestyle shows?
South Korea has dozens of Starcraft professionals, and has done for over five years now. In a country that has two TV stations dedicated to the game, where school children everywhere know the players, and where finals have been known to draw 8,000 people to watch the game - LIVE - which player has dominated the scene for four years and is still going strong?
Lim Yo-Hwan, a.k.a SlayerS_'BoxeR' has a fan club with 100,000 members. He has won more televised tournaments than most the people in this competition have attended LANs. He has a regular wage that is several times the national average, and more income from endorsements and tournament prizes than I care to calculate. He has won two World Cyber Games in a row, written books, used his name to help sell chocolate - is there anyone else on this poll who has done even half as much?
However, it's dominating arguably the most popular competitive online game - there are more people on battle.net with Starcraft than there are with Warcraft 3 or on a Counter-Strike server at the moment - against scores of other professionals, that makes Boxer the most deserving recipient of this award. Voting against him just because you haven't heard of him until today, or because he doesn't play Quake, would be an admission that skill or influence on the world of gaming is being ignored.
yle="color: #000; font-size:14; font-weight:900; font-family:arial; letter-spacing:1px; text-transform:uppercase;">Fatal1ty |

| yle="font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; color: #fff;">Name:
Johnathan Wendel
Clan(s): Clan Kapitol, iFate

| yle="font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt; color: #fff; font-weight: bold;">

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John "Fatal1ty" Wendel was one of the first gamers who thought about going pro. He participated in many tournaments during his Quake3 career and earned plenty of money, it was obviously that this man knew where he's future lay, being a pro-gamer.
Many people admired his insane skills and his eight hours practice a day, it made him look like a real professional. Yet because of his insane amount practice, a lot of people started to disrespect him. Later in his career, he moved to other games to show that he is a professional and a true gamer. He won a Ford Focus at the CPL Alien vs. Predator event. After that he participated in various high profile Q3 tournaments, one of those was the QuakeCon event in Texas, Dallas. One of his goals was to finally defeat ZeRo4 once on a QuakeCon event. He did that with success but he didn't win that tournament his goal was accomplished none the less.
The career of Jonathan "fatal1ty" Wendel was not always that flawless however, in his real life he experienced a family crisis before participating in the Babbages CPL event in December of 2000, where he placed 7th. After that, Fatal1ty recovered very quickly and placed 1st at CPL Australia, 3rd at CPL Holland, 2nd at Quakecon 2001, and 2nd at CPL Brazil.
After a few years, he ended his very successful Quake career and moved on to a new game, to showcase that he is the best in any game.
He practiced Unreal Tournament 2003 for over 8 hours a day while being followed by MTV. The reason of all this, is because Fatal1ty wanted to attend the CPL Pentium 4 Winter Championship. His insane practice was rewarded at that event which made him CPL Champion of the Year, for the third time in a row.
After the lack of tournaments in Unreal Tournament 2003, Fatal1ty has now decided to play Counter-Strike instead.
Oh and in case you missed it, the semi finals and finals will be running for two days each.