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Full name : Maarten Dubelaar
Alias : Black2lip
ESReality Status : Site Admin
Age : 21
Background : I believe the first game I ever played was Prince of Persia on an old 66MhZ comp with CGA screen :)
Never did some serious gaming untill Jtm (a good friend of mine) introduced me to Quake 2, gave me a copy and some server ip's to play on. This was the first time I discovered the online multiplayer scene behind a game and found out about clanbase. But when I started with Quake 2 the scene was almost dead and never got the chance to play many clan wars.
In 2000 I played some Quake 3 at Jtm's house but didn't had a good enough PC at home to play Quake 3 so in 2001 I bought a new PC to play Quake 3 online and joined #lost-souls-rising which still is my current clan.
Location : Diemen, the Netherlands
E-Mail Address : Black2lip@Barrysworld.com
MSN Contact : Black2lip@usa.com
ICQ : 37814492
Looks like : The guy on the picture :P
Favourite Game : Quake 3 Arena
Favourite Chick : My girlfriend
Favourite Food : Japanese, BBQ Beef Bacon pizza from Ney York Pizza and Pringles
Favourite Music : Techno, Hardhouse, Reggae
Favourite Song : Bob Marley - Waiting in vain & Bob Marley - Exodus
Favourite Saying : When the shit hits the fan
Favourite Car : Toyota Supra
Favourite Novel : None, last book I have read was about 10 years ago for school :P
Favourite Movie : Remember the Titans & Ali G in da House
Description :
BLUEman - "There are many words one can use to describe Black2lip’s one of a kind personality... but these
three seem to be the best ones: optimist, futurist, humourist.
When all three are combined, they
not only create Black2lip... but also a great Site Admin and a real good person to look up to. His
actions here on ESReality are nothing but perfect and he knows how to keep the site under control.
ESR and its users are very lucky to have him."

Opinions :
CarMac - "Very nice and helpful guy, like him lots :)"

bb'Crim` - "Because the eyes' weren't bad enough"

DSGL - "Most definitely dutch and most definitely in need of joining a boy band"

f|Slay - "You'll want to have this guy by your side when running tournaments, match admin & scorebot maestro"

if22 - "Doing some great jobs for ESReality"

Seven - "Don't know anything about him."

Sporl - "If Ricky Martin and Ryan Seacrest had a baby..."

Sujoy - "B2L is another guy that has devoted loads of time and energy to our site and doesn't look for praise and admiration in return"

BLUEman - "He’s not a fruitcup as his name may suggest"

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