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Full name : Ryan Kenji Igarashi
Alias : spork
ESReality Status : Site Admin
Age : 21
Background : Born and raised in Orange County, California. Third generation Japanese-American. High school drop-out, now attending UCLA as a Junior, majoring in Art History (I think).
Location : Los Angeles, California
E-Mail Address : bg_crisis@hotmail.com
MSN Contact : bg_crisis@hotmail.com
ICQ : None
Looks like : some guy from Charmed?
Favourite Game : WC3 right now, or Darklands for all time
Favourite Chick : Krista Allen / Hunter Tylo / Sung Hi Lee
Favourite Food : miso soup / sloppy joes / pizza
Favourite Music : All
Favourite Song : Duke Ellington – Prelude to a Kiss / Depeche Mode – Shake the Disease
Favourite Saying : Love is not blind, but blinding
Favourite Car : 1974 Lamborghini Countach
Favourite Novel : The Scarlet Pimpernel
Favourite Movie : Lawrence of Arabia / Akira Kurosawa’s: Ran
Description :
SiT - "Not many people would have the balls to name themself after such an established item as the spork. When most people are confronted with a utinsil such as the spork they are completely blown away by the diversity and genius of it. Not spork...when he saw the precision and genius of the spork and didn't shy away he took the spork by the handle and decided to spend his online life living up to and surpassing the brilliance and wonder that is the half spoon half fork. Thoughout spork's time on ESR he's become more than just and awkward yet amazingly useful peice of plastic, he's become a brilliant contributor, a selfless administrator, and, most importantly, our friend."
Opinions :
CarMac - "Why spork is the skin man of ESR :)"

bb`Crim` - "like a fork..."

if22 - "Don't know ya, so I won't say something about you...hehe."

seven - "Occasionally witty, occasionally blatantly dumb. I really like spork."

Sujoy - "Spork adds his unique flavour of weirdness to the site, and is the most pro-active when it comes to the site gaphics and presentation."

BLUEman - "The third shadow-lurking, baby-stealing user on ESR."

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