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Full name : Steven Handley Sabree Chung
Alias : DSGL
ESReality Status : User Admin
Age : 17
Background : First pc game was a demo of descent. After that I was on my sega Genesis Playing Mortal Kombat one, two. and three until I got a decent pc in '98. Started playing a lot of Half-life got beaten by Miles Chicone so I quit Half-Life. Started to play Q3 and UT in 99-00 most of the time UT with BSE. Then I kinda Switched over to Q3 then q3w/osp and haven't looked back. I'm studying Advanced Higher English, Higher Modern studies, Physics, and Info. Systems in preparation to study Criminology or Criminal Psychology at UCSB.
Location : Loch Ness, Scotland. Or Santa Barbara, California.
E-Mail Address : bse_sharky@talk21.com
MSN Contact : nofeareurope@hotmail.com
ICQ : None
Looks like : Chino Marino on steriods
Favourite Game : Q3w/osp
Favourite Chick : Girlfriend or Christina Milian
Favourite Food : Tempura and Miso soup or Chicken Caesar salad.
Favourite Music : Hard to say I listen to practically every genre and every style. Bush, RATM, Tupac, Metallica, and H-I-M.
Favourite Song : Hmm atm either Tupac-Smile, Bush-Inflatable, or RATM-Born of a Broken Man.
Favourite Car : Civics in black with cool alloys and of course Supras, but I'll go with a '99 Nissan Skyline R34 with a pow-r#3 bodykit in pearl with black alloys. Or a white Cadillac Escalade and chrome alloys. Or a gto :(
Favourite Novel : Anything by Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore:), The Reader is a very good German novel converted to English post WW2.
Favourite Movie : Very Hard to say, Full Metal Jacket, Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet (Not gay), Aliens, Guns n talk, The Matrix, The Godfather it just goes on and on.
Description :
bb`Crim` - "Generally DSGL isn't someone you'd think at first glance to be a great provider of information and from that first glance you'd be right, he doesn't give anything you'd expect to hear other than his own personal opinion on most matters. For most people on ESR they're whole life revolves around sucking up to someone else and then using the trust for their own personal gains. DSGL is someone who I consider a very great guy as far as being an admin is concerned. Though he may not give you the style of response you'd hope online, but hey... online is just a persona of your true self. As a column writer his style pretty surreal and his general use of the English slang is something which can only make one jealous for."
Opinions :
CarMac - "I wish I had a word with him at WCG UK about his lame haircut."

bb`Crim` - "S-Club slut"

if22 - "Please refer to 'Melachi' :)"

Seven - "Great guy, solid mind, interesting outlook."

Spork - "He has naughty-tentacles on his head that account for his good taste in music"

Sujoy - "DSGL's hair scares me. No really."

BLUEman - "Me = BatMan... DSGL = WonderWoman... ‘nuff said."

zet - "he's k00l, but it's kinda hard not to be k00l with hair like that :P"

melachi - "He's like medusa, but instead of putting snakes on his head he put earthworms on it. Cause snakes are poisonous, earthworms aren't so he is probably very smart."

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