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Full name : Andrew West
Alias : Daishi
ESReality Status : Head Admin
Age : 22
Background : I'm a mostly RTS player, from Red Alert in early '97 to Age of Mythology today - via Age of Empires, Starcraft and half a dozen minor games. I also played a lot of Quakeworld and some Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Partly from playing Quake, partly from having a column on another website, partly because I pestered people, and partly as I was a human scorebot during the XSI, I ended up writing for XSR version one in Janurary 2000. I've been around ever since, albeit in a diminished role these days, when I mostly just spell check everything in sight. I spend more on music than I do rent, with beer being my third largest expenditure. I'd like to get poker up to 4th, except obviously it'd be nice to have something back from it too. It'd also be nice to go to the WCG for a third time this winter.
Location : London (Finchley), the United Kingdom
E-Mail Address : daishi@alienpants.com
ICQ : 1977207
Looks like : Is this for brail users?
Favourite Game : Right now: Age of Mythology. All time: Starcraft. Single Player: Lasersquad
Favourite Chick : Heidi Klum. Possibly only man alive who likes neither Spears, Aguilera nor Ms.Geller.
Favourite Food : Pizza (Pepporoni)
Favourite Music : Drum and Bass or Breakbeat
Favourite Song : I listen to too much music to have a favourite. Here's three I really like: Curve - Something Familiar, Hybrid - Dreaming your Dreams, DJ Rap - Everyday Girl.
Favourite Saying : "Risk everything, or gain nothing" Geoffrey de Charny, 1358
Favourite Car : Not really a car kind of person. I have a Daewoo of some kind though.
Favourite Novel : Iain Banks - Player of Games
Favourite Movie : Run Lola Run
Description :
f|Slay - "Daishi has been around on ESR (and XSR for that matter) ever since I first visited
the site, and probably before my first visit. I used to love his and Sujoy's duo-live-coverage from
misc. events. He's been more inactive than active lately, but writes the occasional column and his
latest series called "I'm not an [insert title here], but" was good quality, hopefully he'll continue
that series. Top bloke, hopefully he'll get more involved with the site in near-future."

Opinions :
CarMac - "I really enjoy Daishi's company, he is intelligent and he's got a nice sense of humour."

bb`Crim` - "RTS king and the god of exaggeration when it comes to illnesses."

DSGL - "I used to see him in #esreality and thought he was a bot for a long time."

f|Slay - "He returns every once in a while to let off some steam, it seems - his latest column series is ace."

if22 - "Daishi.. yes Daishi! We all know him. Pretty serious guy with a lot of intellect. Can be funny at times as well, but you have to be on the same height of intellect as him to understand it! :)"

Seven - "Daishi is, uh, Daishi. I like him!"

Spork - "Previously a man of mystery, now rising in the ranks of great columnists"

Sujoy - "One of the original XSR core staff, despite on-and-off absence Daishi has always been part of what makes this site tick."

BLUEman - "Beware of this one... he lurks around in the shadows and steals people’s babies. He’s a good guy though... and I respect him a lot."

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