Most downloaded demos:
666 -vs- star (8 downloads)
666 -vs- star (8 downloads)
666 -vs- star (8 downloads)
666 -vs- star (7 downloads)
666 -vs- star (7 downloads)
Most read threads:
Professional gamer Av3k in legal trouble (5614 hits)
Reflex CTF Show Match (3192 hits)
HoQ TDM Fall Season Signups Open (3028 hits)
Carnage!! CTF League #2 Group Stage (2594 hits)
125 FPS Sunday Cup#13 (1914 hits)
Most commented threads:
Professional gamer Av3k in legal trouble (288 comments) by Memento_Mori
Reflex CTF Show Match (114 comments) by Benroads
Best noise in quake? (101 comments) by dizzle
Best MB and CPU? (77 comments) by gojira_
i'm so angry >:[ (46 comments) by wwwAnyBoy
Most Popular Users:
Teen Queen (96% popular)
newborn (95% popular)
Meph1stoo (94% popular)
quake is potat (93% popular)
Nico_QD (93% popular)
Most Popular Threads:
HoQ TDM Fall Season Signups Open (49% popular) by doz3r
Professional gamer Av3k in legal trouble (37% popular) by Memento_Mori
Carnage!! CTF League #2 Group Stage (28% popular) by h8m3
Logitech G series: A story (26% popular) by Teen Queen
Q3 ServerStatus Page FINAL (21% popular) by XBlade_RunnerX
Most Popular Comments:
Re: Reflex CTF Show Match (76% popular) by newborn
Re: Best noise in quake? (56% popular) by Meph1stoo
Re: 125 FPS Sunday Cup#13 (55% popular) by Linkyyy
Re: MOSCOW QUAKE LAN PARTY #22 (43% popular) by Danmer
Re: Does czm have alt account? (42% popular) by RefuGee
Popularity Climbers:
Nico_QD (59 +'s)
newborn (48 +'s)
Teen Queen (42 +'s)
Anonymous (29 +'s)
sonic (27 +'s)
Betting leader:
fazz (E$74,140)
omek (E$42,035)
Lamur (E$29,576)
miOw (E$20,301)
Airman (E$19,616)
Biggest single bets:
E$13,954 won by Lamur (125FPS SHOWMATCH FAZZ VS K1LLSEN)
E$12,416 won by omek (125FPS SHOWMATCH FAZZ VS K1LLSEN)
E$10,971 won by sonic (125FPS SHOWMATCH FAZZ VS K1LLSEN)
E$10,943 won by miOw (125FPS SHOWMATCH FAZZ VS K1LLSEN)
E$10,128 won by fazz (125FPS SHOWMATCH FAZZ VS K1LLSEN)
Most lost:
E$5,000 lost by sofiene
E$5,000 lost by Airman
E$5,000 lost by tweenz
E$2,000 lost by rePulzZ
E$1,500 lost by cobba
22 Sep: Logitech G series: A story by Teen Queen
Edited by Teen Queen at 19:14 CDT, 27 September 2015 - 3376 Hits