Tag: SS
Seed: Low
IRC: #QW.fr on irc.quakenet.org
Mesta: Although they come from my mother nation, I have to say I don’t know any of these guys :( Just Klice because I think he does videos. If Jisse is JC though, he’s a veteran and can provide leadership.
xero: The mystery team. I hope they show up! ;D A bunch of French QW players, I am not familiar with them outside some brief conversations (they are nice guys at least), nor have I seen them play. It will be exciting to see what their shaft/boomstick skills can do in CPM.
myT: The only player from that line-up I’ve actually witnessed playing CPM TDM is Klice, and I don’t think he has the CPM experience to be a team leader. I know pretty much nothing about the others, except for the fact I saw Jissse’s nickname pop up in a recent QW fragmovie. I guess that proves... he played some Quake.
Mesta: Hard to say, probably at the bottom. No clues.
xero: Who knows, QW players can adjust to cpm quickly, once they do, terrible things happen. 8-14.
myT: QW and CPM are obviously pretty similar, but you can’t replace experience. 8 or lower.
ShadyAK: It always takes courage to branch out into a new deathmatch FPS. Me and some of my friends did that into ut2004 for clanbase and warsow and QW for much shorter tournaments, and it's always difficult to get acquainted to the little differences. Having QuakeWorld experience, those guys wouldn't be too out-of-place within CPM TDM, however they seem to be Mid-Low, Low or TurboLOW if we take a look at their QW thunderdome personal leagues (i was turbo-low as well c:). Nonetheless good luck to them, and I hope they stick around (i know for a fact zombie90 has checked out CPM before, as I recall casting CPM newcomer cups, and he was a contestant).
Seed: Low
IRC: #QW.fr on irc.quakenet.org


Mesta: Although they come from my mother nation, I have to say I don’t know any of these guys :( Just Klice because I think he does videos. If Jisse is JC though, he’s a veteran and can provide leadership.
xero: The mystery team. I hope they show up! ;D A bunch of French QW players, I am not familiar with them outside some brief conversations (they are nice guys at least), nor have I seen them play. It will be exciting to see what their shaft/boomstick skills can do in CPM.
myT: The only player from that line-up I’ve actually witnessed playing CPM TDM is Klice, and I don’t think he has the CPM experience to be a team leader. I know pretty much nothing about the others, except for the fact I saw Jissse’s nickname pop up in a recent QW fragmovie. I guess that proves... he played some Quake.
Mesta: Hard to say, probably at the bottom. No clues.
xero: Who knows, QW players can adjust to cpm quickly, once they do, terrible things happen. 8-14.
myT: QW and CPM are obviously pretty similar, but you can’t replace experience. 8 or lower.
ShadyAK: It always takes courage to branch out into a new deathmatch FPS. Me and some of my friends did that into ut2004 for clanbase and warsow and QW for much shorter tournaments, and it's always difficult to get acquainted to the little differences. Having QuakeWorld experience, those guys wouldn't be too out-of-place within CPM TDM, however they seem to be Mid-Low, Low or TurboLOW if we take a look at their QW thunderdome personal leagues (i was turbo-low as well c:). Nonetheless good luck to them, and I hope they stick around (i know for a fact zombie90 has checked out CPM before, as I recall casting CPM newcomer cups, and he was a contestant).