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Major Q3 duel tournaments since 2000 (25 comments)
Posted by xou @ 00:35 CST, 7 February 2008 - iMsg
Since December 1999 when Quake 3 was released, many duel tournaments have been organised on that title. Then it was declared a dead platform for real competitions after a few, but really busy, years (excepted in Russia and its neighbourhoods where the legend will probably live until the end of time or Asus). WCG, ESWC and CPL abandonned the game and tried to move on with newer video games. After the annoucement of QuakeLive by ID Software, the guys from ESWC thought it would a great idea to revive Quake 3 for one more big duel cup in 2008.

As any good nerd, I decided that it would be a good opportunity for a quick review of the MAJOR DUEL Q3 Tournaments held since 2000. With the help of the Quake Tournament History Timeline, the internet and coffee, I found exactly what I wanted to build the following list. My criteria were quite simple: decent cash prizes, decent players, LAN only, and more than 3 countries represented.

- 2007

- 2006

- 2005

- 2004

- 2003

- 2002

- 2001

- 2000

- Sources: Cyberfight, ESReality, Wikipedia, Quake Tournament History Timeline, WCG, ESWC, Wayback Machine, Quakecon etc etc...
Edited by xou at 00:35 CST, 7 February 2008 - 7070 Hits
ESR Interviews Andy Reif CEO of CGS (74 comments)
Posted by Nicky @ 03:13 CDT, 19 September 2007 - iMsg
With the UK and EU combines for CGS taking place this coming week, ESReality took the chance to interview Andy Reif CEO of CGS. The interview took place via Skype and has been transcribed word for word.

Questions include:
"The whole e-Sports scene started of with PC games like Doom and Quake. Seeing that Quake was actually used in your highlight reel why haven’t you included the game is it because they maybe to violent and gory?"

"There are lots of titles coming out, we’ve got Unreal Tournament 3, Quake5, Call of Duty 4, so obviously you’ve already answered this one and you’ll be looking at these as possible future CGS titles is that correct?"
Read on for the full interview ......

Questions by: United Kingdom dallow and esr ESReality Admins
Interviewer: Nick from
Transcribed by: Netherlands A_Spec

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Edited by Nicky at 16:11 CDT, 12 March 2008 - 47600 Hits
ZDaemon Overview (184 comments)
Posted by peterg @ 16:35 CDT, 7 May 2007 - iMsg
Few gamers probably know about ZDaemon, and probably even less have tried it. Here's a look at a game flying under the radar.

ZDaemon is client/server based on Doom 2 which is most similar to the Quake series than any other game. It shares many weapons(SG, SSG, RL, plasma, chaingun, etc), and even some engine tricks on movement(wall running, strafe tricks). ZDaemon has very low system requirements, and decent unlagged netcode(56kers/sub 200 pingers are fairly competitive). It comes with a custom server browser which has built in chat, buddy system, server favorites, and a nice autodownloader to find all the files you need to play on servers. ZDaemon doesn't require extensive config editing nor is it as aim based as most modern DM games.

Edited by Nicky at 16:14 CDT, 12 March 2008 - 168630 Hits
Gaming Commentator Revealed : djWheat (95 comments)
Posted by A_Spec @ 19:07 CDT, 20 March 2007 - iMsg
With the renewed interest in game commentating I have decided to do a short series on the part of the gaming world that doesn’t get much coverage; The gaming commentators.

We hit off the series with an in depth interview with iTG3 Radio iTG United States of America Marcus “djWheat” Graham. What makes him the legendary caster that he is? What is his story? Read on and find out.
Netherlands A_Spec
So tell me, who is djWheat? How did you become a game commentator? Was there a particular reason? Or did you just want to try something new?

United States of America djWheat
I think by now most everyone knows the story about how I became a game commentator... I basically lied my way into TsN, and found out that I had some skills. But the real reason I was ABLE to become a game commentator is probably because of my passion for games.

When I first started, I had no idea that it would turn into what it is today (a full time position as a game commentator and show host), so I took it with a grain of salt. It wasn't until I did this for nearly 4 years as a hobby that I was finally able to make something of it... that in itself shows my dedication for gaming and my passion for competitive gaming.

Related links
iTG3 Radio iTG
Epileptic Gaming Epileptic Gaming
Edited by Nicky at 16:18 CDT, 12 March 2008 - 63267 Hits
DeathAdder Guide (407 comments)
Posted by yan @ 15:09 CST, 14 February 2007 - iMsg
So you want a DeathAdder or have already bought one, here is the guide to get it "up to shape". I just compiled all the knowledge on this forum into this handy little guide so you can do a quick lookup, any suggestions, add-ins etc. are most welcome!

ESR-Logo-Blue Razer DeathAdder Review :: ESReality MouseScore 2007
Edited by Nicky at 15:56 CDT, 12 March 2008 - 536087 Hits
Razer DeathAdder Review (565 comments)
Posted by Sujoy @ 17:00 CST, 8 January 2007 - iMsg
Gamers are a demanding group of people. Release a poor quality product to a gaming audience and you can expect a hostile response in gaming media and gaming forums where no-one is afraid to air their views. While most gaming hardware is examined closely from every angle and tested to destruction, gaming mice got off lightly because there was no good way to actually test them to see how well they performed. Enter the ESReality MouseScore 2007 system, published last month. This benchmarking system made it possible to test the performance of mice in a scientific and repeatable way. Mouse manufacturers have to be careful about what they claim now because if they're not being completely truthful, we'll let you know!

Razer unveiled the DeathAdder earlier last year to much excitement to gaming enthusiasts. The ergonomic design was a marked departure from the very small, narrow mice they had been making recently. While the curve of the body gives it a very "Microsoft" look, similar to the popular Intellimouse Explorer 3.0, the DeathAdder still screams Razer design from every angle.

The DeathAdder is aimed at low sensitivity gamers, that is gamers who prefer to sweep the mouse a long way for any kind of movement. To accomplish this Razer are using a new, third generation, infra-red, optical sensor that they claim "eliminates skipping and negative acceleration". I'm very glad to see that Razer do understand the real problems that a gaming mouse can have. But the question is: have Razer got it right with the DeathAdder? We answer that question in this comprehensive mouse review.

Update: There have been two problems reported by ESR readers with some Razer DeathAdder mice. Firstly some DeathAdders continue to track even when lifted off the mousepad by a large distance (over 10mm). Secondly there is a small amount of positive mouse acceleration created by the mouse drivers. We are looking into both of these problems to find out why, and how to solve them.

Update 2: Most problems have been fixed with the latest firmware. For full details please view this thread:
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Edited by Nicky at 15:56 CDT, 12 March 2008 - 809619 Hits
ESReality MouseScore 2007 (1019 comments)
Posted by Sujoy @ 18:00 CST, 24 December 2006 - iMsg
With the launch of the world's first independent benchmarking system for mice, buying a desktop rodent will no longer involve guesswork and luck. Sujoy Roy has been analysing hardcore data and investigating the real world at a fundamental level since entering Cambridge University in 1994. His other passion in life is gaming, so the creation of the MouseScore benchmark makes perfect sense!

If you are serious about fragging the world to death, then you can't afford NOT to read this article and be the first gamer in your team to know the absolute truth in the battle between the massed ranks of the multinational mouse manufacturers.

If you want to read all the technical detail start at Page 1. If you just want the results go straight to Page 21 to see how the different mice compare.

Article Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 || next page >>
Edited by Nicky at 02:03 CST, 30 December 2007 - 2022589 Hits
Hall of Fame: Informative (added to hof by Black2lip)
What do you need for Quake 4? (48 comments)
Posted by xou @ 15:16 CDT, 5 October 2006 - iMsg
This post isn't really something to be read, but it's just a summary of essential informations about Quake 4. It tends to compile every useful things that I could find about this game here and there.
Of course my article isn't the first attempt of this kind made so you will find links to some older articles/guides as well.

So here is what you have in this article:

1 - Files you may need:
- Patches
- Maps
- Mods
- Server browsers and tools
- Misc.

2 - Guides and useful links:
- Guides
- Strategiy guides
- Q4 related IRC channels
- Leagues/tournaments
- Useful (or not) links
Article Page: 1, 2, 3 || next page >>
Edited by Nicky at 02:42 CST, 2 January 2008 - 19218 Hits
ESR Interviews arQon (626 comments)
Posted by Demiurge @ 13:04 CDT, 14 August 2006 - iMsg
As most of you know the past few weeks have been very controversial for everyone on the border between the competitive gaming world and the Quake gaming community. In the middle of it all there is an impartial entity reaching down into your game fusing the overtures of the fragmentary code fragments.....err. Anyway, here's a sample of the interview with the man behind the very popular competitive mods, CPMA and Q4Max.
Do you consider CPMA VQ3 physics still an open question in light of the recent vows from some members of the OSP community?

No, and I never have. Do you really think I should make decisions based on the mewling of a handful of clueless halfwits just because they spam ESR with the same post a hundred times? If I did, what would happen when the next two handfuls both wanted something that conflicted with each other?
In it he talks about Quake3, Quake4, tells us what is happening with CPMA and sheds light on many confusing (for some) subjects.

You might also be interested in our older interview with him.
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Edited by Nicky at 02:47 CST, 2 January 2008 - 411009 Hits
QPAD CT Review (46 comments)
Posted by ReDeYe @ 10:11 CDT, 5 June 2006 - iMsg
If, like me, you love mousepads that have cloth rather than plastic, metal, glass or even wood, then you might well be interested in the CT pad, recently released by Swedish manufacturers QPAD.

The Swedes seem to be building on their long standing relationship with gamers around the world and I cant remember attending a major tournament where I have not seen these pads being used and abused by the top players. Released in March this year, the CT pad is the replacement for the older gamer series of pads and looks to enhance precision and feel even further, so let’s put it to the test.
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Edited by Nicky at 03:24 CST, 2 January 2008 - 74629 Hits
ESR Exclusive - Thresh Interview (233 comments)
Posted by scoop @ 21:20 CST, 3 February 2006 - iMsg
He is without a doubt the first real legend since online gaming started. Dennis "Thresh" Fong influenced the electronic sport more than almost every other player in the world. He was the first real "pro-gamer" and even after years of retirement, he is one of the biggest stars in the Quake and eSports scene. Not only as a gamer, but as a businessman aswell he started making real money with competitive gaming long before clans were sponsored and Fatal1ty sold his first mousepad.
I had the chance to talk with Dennis about his gaming career, his experiences with other players aswell as his views on eSports as it is today and of course his Ferrari.

Here is a snippet:
Is it true, that id Software came up to you and asked for your input when developing Quake 3?

Yes, I helped with the multiplayer aspects of Quake 2 and Quake 3. In fact, as a way to thank me for my input on Quake 2, John Carmack built my config into the game. You can type “Exec thresh.cfg” on any Quake 2 machine and it would work. :)
Check out the full interview and learn what Thresh thinks about who should be the real CPL World Tour champion...
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Edited by scoop at 03:04 GMT, 5th Feb 2006 - 177880 Hits
The Quake Tournament History Timeline (297 comments)
Posted by niceguy @ 18:50 CST, 11 December 2005 - iMsg
I've made a Quake Tournament History Timeline. I've included every significant Doom2, Quake, Quakeworld, Quake 2, and Quake 3 tournament that I could find information about. Information in the timeline includes tournament results, winnings, dates, locations, notes, and website links.

If you have any suggestions for changing or adding to the list, please I'm me, add a comment, or email me at I appreciate any suggestions, because this is a very long and complicated list, and I'm sure that there are many important things that have been left out.
Edited by Nicky at 04:07 CST, 2 January 2008 - 341140 Hits
Hall of Fame: All-time Classic (added to hof by ReDeYe)
The OSP -> CPM config FAQ (27 comments)
Posted by nip @ 14:11 CDT, 4 June 2005 - iMsg
Wanted to help you people out who are interested in vq3 mode of CPMA. Most of you will see and feel that there are a lot of differences in CPMA compared to OSP.

Here's a small guide to make the change in your config a bit easier.


** Thx to poub for translating **
** btw: check out #vq3pickup on quakenet **
Edited by nip at 17:24 GMT, 10th Jun 2005 - 30336 Hits
Pickup: 2005 Edition (80 comments)
Posted by amarc @ 16:15 CST, 30 March 2005 - iMsg
Pickup (sometimes called gather) channels are places where gamers meet to play more organised games together away from the hassle of public servers, usually using league/competition settings and tactics that would normally be found in clan matches. Over the years the number & variety of pickup channels available has increased considerably, from small beginnings when the concept was mainly used for Quake up to the present day where gamers of practically any discipline can find a channel where they can enjoy serious, competitive play. Although rules & practices differ from channel to channel, they're generally free from the dregs of online gaming - aliasers, newbies, cheats & exploiters. Channels are mostly run by volunteer individuals for the benefit of their scene, though some are run by gather organisations, hosting companies or clans. All channels covered in this guide are on the QuakeNet IRC network & some require you to auth with the network's Q service bot to join (channel mode +r), see this page for details on how to do so if you're unfamiliar with the procedure. Here's the 2005 rundown of popular & active pickup channels sorted by game, gametype & region.

This list has been made as conclusive & accurate as possible, however if there are any errors, omissions or an update needed please inform me so that this can be the definitive list.

Many thanks to james, whose original concept I've updated.
Edited by amarc at 16:27 GMT, 8th Apr 2005 - 37315 Hits
ESWorld Cup 2004 Coverage (252 comments)
Posted by ESWC Reporter @ 17:59 CST, 31 December 2004 - iMsg

July brings us more than just sunshine and a football tournament this year, but also the largest European competitive gaming event ever. The Electronic Sports World Cup, held at Futuroscope, Poitiers from the 6th to the 11th of July, will feature 500 players from dozens of countries taking part in 5 disciplines and competing for $200,000 in prize money.

If you are looking for information about this competition, interviews with players and staff, previews, predictions, recaps of 2003's event, or for our 2004 coverage, then you have come to the right place! Read on for all you could possibly want regarding this year's ESWC.

Don't forget to spend all your E$ on the ESWC fixtures!
You can also find all the ESWC demos on their FTP, as detailed in this post plus Group 3 & 4 round-up and results for Quake 3 in this post. Streaming information is available on the ESWC site.

Page 1: 2003 Retrospective
Page 2: 2003 Retrospective Cont.
Page 3: 2003 Links
Page 4: 2004 Information
Page 5: 2004 ESWC Interviews
Page 6: Plans for 2004 Live Coverage
Page 7: 2004 ESWC Galleries
Page 8: VIP Journal Directory
Page 9: Live Tournament Scores
Page 10: Tournament Seeds
Page 11: Sunday Journal: Carmac
Page 12: Monday Journal: Daishi
Page 13: Monday Journal: Carmac
Page 14: Tuesday Journal: Daishi
Page 15: Tuesday Journal: Carmac
Page 16: Wednesday Journal: Daishi
Page 17: Wednesday Journal: Carmac
Page 18: General Schedule
Page 19: ZeRo4 Interview
Page 20: Lauke Interview
Page 21: Thursday Journal: Carmac
Page 22: Friday Journal: Daishi
Page 23: Knockout Games
Page 24: Friday Journal: Carmac
Page 25: Final Games & Standings
Page 26: Saturday Journal: Daishi
Page 27: Saturday Journal: Carmac
Page 28: Sunday Journal: Carmac
Page 29: PK in Retrospect
Page 30: UT2004 in Retrospect
Page 31: Q3 in Retrospect
Page 32: CS in Retrospect
Page 33: ESWC Moments
Article Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 || next page >>
Edited by Sujoy at 01:05 GMT, 27th Jan 2005 - 294428 Hits
Hall of Fame: Informative (added to hof by Carmac)
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